- Druidry
- Wandmaking
- D&D (3.5 and newer)
- Divination (specifically runes, Tarot, and Ogham)
#Druid #Druidry #wands #wandmaking #DungeonsAndDragons #runes #divination
#AskMeAbout #druid #druidry #Wands #wandmaking #dungeonsanddragons #runes #Divination
Indulge me in one last #wandpost for today, if you would, because I really dig the checkerboard pattern I burned into the handle of this one.
#wand #wandmaking #woodworking #pyrography #art #magecraft #bard #ovate #druid #Druidry #OBOD
#wandpost #wand #wandmaking #woodworking #pyrography #art #magecraft #bard #ovate #druid #druidry #OBOD
The Finger of God.
Made of oak, and burned to look like... well, like a finger. There are several markings added to this, including a Valknot, a custom sigil, and (not pictured) the rays of Awen where the fingerprint would be.
#wand #wandmaking #woodworking #valknot #awen #druid #druidry #art
#wand #wandmaking #woodworking #valknot #awen #druid #druidry #art
More #wandposting ahead:
This is Talon, one of my very few maple wands and most favorite pieces. It's not my first attempt at recreating a real-life object on the shaft of one of my wands, but the feathers are among my best work so far, if I do say so myself.
The opposite side of this wand has "Talon" burned into it in the runes of the Elder Futhark.
(I've got this and a ton of others for sale. If you're interested, send me a DM.)
#woodworking #wandmaking #pyrography #art #talon #feather #wand #druid #druidry
#wandposting #woodworking #wandmaking #pyrography #art #talon #feather #wand #druid #druidry
This is from a few days ago, but I finally started trimming some of that stormfall I gathered on the full moon: 17 wands and four longer pieces so far! I have projects in mind for two of the latter already, but I'm not sure what I'll do with the others just yet.
There are still a ton of fallen branches to trim, I might be swimming in blanks come summer...
#woodworking #wandmaking #magecraft #bard #ovate #druid #OBOD #druidry
#woodworking #wandmaking #magecraft #bard #ovate #druid #OBOD #druidry
Feeling very like a #druid today: gathering wood that fell in a winter thunderstorm under the #FullMoon (albeit in daylight). I'll be able to turn out lots of wands once the weather gets warmer!
What are you doing to take advantage of the current phase (rest counts, too)?
#druid #fullmoon #wandmaking #woodworking #druidry #OBOD
Here's the handle inscription, "ad astra," Latin for "to the stars." This appears on all three of the wands made from this one branch, and it's probably the closest thing the Grove has to a motto.
#woodworking #woodburning #pyrography #wandmaking #obod #ovate #druidry #runes
#woodworking #woodburning #pyrography #wandmaking #OBOD #ovate #druidry #runes
Another #pyrography toot:
This is the tip of a wand I recently finished. The runes are a transliteration of the words "May hope fly," one half of the call-and-response farewell of my Grove.
This particular wand is one of three I made from a fallen branch, one of many gifted to me by the twin black walnuts that grow behind my house and serve as my steadfast companions on my Druidic journey. My dear friends Rowan and Audrey wield the other two, and it's around the three of us that the nascent Grove first took shape.
#pyrography #wandmaking #woodworking #woodburning #OBOD #ovate #druidry
This is my shillelagh. Years ago, I found it while on a walk in my local forest, its head charred from the lightning strike that had felled the oak it was once a limb of. I was still working through the Bardic grade at the time, and left the initial Ogham fews unconnected from each other, sensing that there were mysteries I had yet to witness that would inform the empty spaces.
Here, as I approach the end of my Ovate studies and prepare for the work of the final grade, I have completed the inscription, adding //// Straif and /// Ngetal, which represent adversity and cleansing respectively. 2022 taught me a lot about what I needed to let fall away to step into myself more completely, and now I can carry those lessons with me both literally and figuratively.
#ogham #druidry #ovate #obod #woodworking #pyrography #wandmaking
#Ogham #druidry #ovate #OBOD #woodworking #pyrography #wandmaking
Take inspiration wherever you find it.
#awen #inspiration #druidry #ovate #obod #woodworking #wandmaking
#awen #inspiration #druidry #ovate #OBOD #woodworking #wandmaking
#introduction part 2!
Some other things I enjoy and may post about are:
#hockey #redwings #poetry #writing #art #birds #trees #justice #gaming (especially Dungeons & Dragons) #pokemon #pyrography #wandmaking
Interests/skills I'm looking to develop include:
#gardening #parenting
Consider this part TBC!
#introduction #hockey #redwings #poetry #writing #art #birds #trees #justice #gaming #pokemon #pyrography #wandmaking #gardening #parenting
I did a thing over on my Ko-fi page. Decided to make a short vid of how I make my wands 🥰
#wand #wandmaking #crafting #kofi
Being that this was my first attempt on creating a hollow handle, it didn't turn out bad! Sadly, I now know the limits of pine and cannot do this exact style for selling. Too weak. I will be playing around with some other ideas soon. In the meantime, I plan on finishing up insert designs for purchases made through my Kofi shop!
#wand #wandmaking #crafting #kofi
#wand #wandmaking #crafting #kofi
I finally got my shipping questions and prices answered today. SO CLOSE TO FINISHING THIS STEP!
#goals #crafting #busyhands #wandmaking #wands