just listen to the fisherman’s song
Thanking Master Zhang with a Poem
Wang Wei
tr. Susan Wan Dolling
#Poetry #WangWei #SusanWanDolling #ChinesePoetry #PoetryInTranslation #Translation
#translation #poetryintranslation #chinesepoetry #susanwandolling #wangwei #poetry
By Mêng Hao-Ran
Slow and reluctant, I have waited
Day after day, till now I must go.
How sweet the road-side flowers might be
If they did not mean good-bye, old friend.
The Lords of the Realm are harsh to us
And men of affairs are not our kind.
I will turn back home, I will say no more,
I will close the gate of my old garden.
(Witter Bynner, translator)
#MêngHaoRan #孟浩然 #WangWêi #王維 #TangPoetry #LeaveTaking #friendship
#friendship #leavetaking #tangpoetry #王維 #wangwei #孟浩然 #menghaoran
By Mêng Hao-Ran
Slow and reluctant, I have waited
Day after day, till now I must go.
How sweet the road-side flowers might be
If they did not mean good-bye, old friend.
The Lords of the Realm are harsh to us
And men of affairs are not our kind.
I will turn back home, I will say no more,
I will close the gate of my old garden.
#friendship #leavetaking #tangpoetry #wangwei #menghaoran
By Wang Wei
Dismounting from my horse, I offer you wine
And ask where you are going and why.
You answer, “I am discontent
And would rest at the foot of the southern mountain.
So give me leave and ask no questions.
White clouds pass there without end.”
By Wang Wei
Dismounting from my horse, I off you wine
And ask where you are going and why.
You answer, “I am discontent
And would rest at the foot of the southern mountain.
So give me leave and ask no questions.
White clouds pass there without end.”
Deep in the mountain wilderness
Where nobody ever comes
Only once in a great while
Something like the sound of a far off voice,
The low rays of the sun
Slip through the dark forest,
And gleam again on the shadowy moss.
WANG WEI (701-761), Kenneth Rexroth, translator
#solitude #TangDynasty #wangwei
Deep in the mountain wilderness
Where nobody ever comes
Only once in a great while
Something like the sound of a far off voice,
The low rays of the sun
Slip through the dark forest,
And gleam again on the shadowy moss.
WANG WEI (701-761), Kenneth Rexroth, trans
#solitude #TangDynasty #wangwei
Je n’ai pas reconnu le monastère des Parfums,
en allé trop loin par les nuages des sommets.
Sentier désert sous les vieux arbres —
où sonne la cloche en ces monts si profonds ?
La source s’enroue au péril des rochers,
à la couleur du soleil, le bleu des pins fraîchit.
Le soir, au creux de l’étang vide,
la paix de l’éveil apprivoise les dragons
Wang Wei
L’atmosphère de l’automne est limpide et lointaine.
Je ne me sens plus loin des hommes.
Je me réjouis de voir les hérons sur la grève,
en même temps que les monts sortant des nuages.
Les flots limpides s’agitent vers le soir,
le clair de lune brille et va cesser.
Cette nuit, appuyé sur ma rame unique,
indécis, je voudrais ne jamais rentrer
Wang Wei
pin des monts bleutés,
tu avais disparu,
te revoici !
je ne te voyais plus,
mais tu habitais mon esprit
cet esprit fait pour toi,
toi dont le visage
noble et tranquille
flotte là-haut
dans les lointains nuages !
Wang Wei