Tons and tons of new words, and my grammar seems to start catching up. I'm currently reading first book of デスノート and while my vocab is not up to the task yet I don't spend as much effort trying to understand the sentence if I looked up the words in the dictionary.
Anyhow, glad to make progress and still looking forward to reaching level 20. I don't intend to stop there, but it seems much more in reach than level 40 or 60 so we have to aim at something that we can get to, right? #wanikani
My immediate goal remains to get to level 20 of #wanikani, and I'm trying to not think too much about the "Death" and “Hell" levels that follow it 😅
Meanwhile, #bunpro decided that I deserve some punishment too and consistently spams me with 30-40 reviews per day even though I'm learning only 1 new grammar point per day now. It certainly helps with my grammar, but SRS can be really harsh!
That's it for my complaining. Thanks for tuning in!
Level 14 of #wanikani !
Oh boy, I thought they were joking about levels 11-20 being “painful", but with burned items hitting me I've been doing about 100-120 reviews per day and that *is* painful! As I previously mentioned I had to dial down number of new items I learn daily to just 10 (from 20-30) because I was making a lot of mistakes, and I'm still not comfortable enough with where I am to dial it back up!
On a good note, I now know a lot of kanji and vocabulary that I recognize daily!
That didn't go as bad as I thought it would! Just 4 mistakes. Whew! #wanikani
A bit of SRS avalanche has happened after all. Let's power through them! #wanikani
First burned items in #wanikani. It was just radicals this time, but in a few days I guess I'll start burning kanji!
Level 13 of #wanikani !
I'm about to get my first burned items (radicals from Level 1), so technically I should be around the peak of number things that I need to keep in short term memory at the same time! With that in mind, I had what I think of as, a "restructuring" week. A lot of kanji/vocabulary has similar pronunciation so had to slow down to 10 new lessons per day and make a lot of mistakes, but all to get a more solid picture of kanjis!
Do you use #wanikani to #learnjapanese ?
I am almost done with level 27... It is so difficult...
Sometimes I'm not really sure what #wanikani is teaching me and why I have to study what "立ち飲み" is.
Level 11 of #wanikani !
New animation is quite fancy, but email that they sent is as poignant as usual.
Tons and tons of useful kanji and vocabulary, and even though we are getting into "painful" territory so far it seemed to get a bit easier. In fact, I crammed a bit and got to next level in 15 days because I learned 30 vocabulary per day for a few remaining days of my vacation. I'll probably continue the trend during weekends, so we'll see how it goes!
Just got to Level 10 of #wanikani
Tons and tons of very useful vocabulary that I keep encountering while reading 鬼滅の刃 and in my bunpro studies. I feel like the first levels had an aim of teaching you all the different basic radicals, and didn't really focus on common vocabulary, but now things changed for sure!
Next goal - level 20 😅 I leveled up every 16 days so, I guess it will take me 5-6 months to get there. I started to study 15 vocabulary entries per day so we'll see!
I forget who on here recommended Wanikani for learning kanji, but I'm 5 months in now, doing lessons every day, on level 18 of 60. I quit Duolingo, which was pretty useless for Japanese because I didn't understand why kanji were pronounced so many different ways. (Their Chinese program is decent! I wish there was more of it, but it actually does teach useful things.) WK is not useful for everyone, but for me, it's nice as someone who wants to be able to read. #wanikani #japanese
I'm now on #wanikani Level 9!
The study didn't get much harder yet either because I don't study more than 10 items per day (with an exception of radicals, which I just learn en masse), or because I didn't get SRS for Enlightened items yet!
It is interesting how much kanji I can now recognize in simple books. There are a few that are ubiquitous in the literature, but I haven't studied yet (事), but they are easy to look up and don't break the reading flow that much!
Continuing onwards!
Got to Level 7 of #wanikani ! I'll post the stats a bit later (their API appears to be somewhat hosed at the moment). It has been way more peaceful than Level 6 somehow, but I still have lots of vocabulary to catch up. It certainly helps to study grammar alongside it since I can now understand much more example sentences from the "context" section.