Ach so verhindert man diese blöde Böllerei an Silvester, wieso wusste ich das nicht? Und wo findet man ein geiles Walroß, wenn man es braucht? So viele Fragen zu Jahresbeginn, wird nicht einfacher. #wankingwalrus
So in the last week of 2022 we’ve seen #smalldickenergy and #wankingwalrus and I know what team I’m on. Happy 2023 folks 🥳
#smalldickenergy #wankingwalrus
Well, this just sums up 2022 perfectly! #wankingwalrus #2022Recap #HNY2023 #auspol 😝😝😝
theres a walrus lost in scarborough. so hes just decided to knock one out in front of us all on the pier. no fucks given 😆 #wankingwalrus
#wankingwalrus #2022recap #hny2023 #auspol
RT @mediumsoup
@AnimalPlanet @ladbible
theres a walrus lost in scarborough. so hes just decided to knock one out in front of us all on the pier. no fucks given 😆 #wankingwalrus
I think he’s trying to communicate with us.
“You lot are governed by… something I can’t quite make out.”
theres a walrus lost in scarborough. so hes just decided to knock one out in front of us all on the pier. no fucks given 😆 #wankingwalrus
Oh... 🤭
RT @mediumsoup
@AnimalPlanet @ladbible
theres a walrus lost in scarborough. so hes just decided to knock one out in front of us all on the pier. no fucks given 😆 #wankingwalrus
theres a walrus lost in scarborough. so hes just decided to knock one out in front of us all on the pier. no fucks given 😆 #wankingwalrus