Lmao. Well played. Also much more than a joke, this album slaps. If you like Synth wave or Dark Synth or even just some sweet ass guitar and bass riffs & solos, you'll like this. Reminds me of Dance With The Dead, another fantastic band. #WetAssPlutonium #WAP #NuclearPowerTrio #Music #metalbladerecords #darksynthwave #metal #sorta
#wetassplutonium #wap #nuclearpowertrio #music #metalbladerecords #darksynthwave #metal #sorta
I did a field trip on #SysadminDay to perform some urgent trimming of branches to keep this 60GHz wireless link up. #MikroTik #wAP #60G
#sysadminday #mikrotik #wap #60g
I can’t believe I beat all you fuckers to this domain name. You are talking to the proud owner of fediwap.com
#HipHop #Rap #FettyWap #FediVerse #WAP
#hiphop #rap #fettywap #fediverse #wap
Trouble shooting my wife’s WAP
#WirelessAccessPoint #WAP #hellyeah #network #networking #cyber
#wirelessaccesspoint #wap #hellyeah #network #networking #cyber
Dig deep, fellow #Windows architects and riddle me this:
How would you set your WAP bypass settings and split-brain DNS on your #ADFS farm to enable access to a claims partner’s federation metadata while everything else goes through the #WAP?
I’ve been thinking it through all day and don’t like anything I’ve come up with.
I’ll bet y’all have plenty of good ideas.
#scifi #WAP #BenShapiro #Dune #MemeAtMeBro go to the Ben well get dry but not come away thirsty
#scifi #wap #benshapiro #dune #memeatmebro
I've joined a #Facebook #parody group called "Christian mom's against Tiktok" and omg it's hilarious.
Every other post is marked "#WAP" because of a running joke that it stands for "worship and pray", with people responding to posts saying "I'm #WAP for you!"
But the funniest part is that every now and then someone turns up who was actually looking for a non-parody group like this,and start answering posts earnestly..
Like someone posted a picture of a wand vibrator talking about how they bought a new mic for karaoke, and someone responded "Ma'am, that's a s*x toy!" and now everyone is replying to them asking why they would say something so awful to the OP.
..I'm in tears it's so funny.
I spent the first couple of years of my legal career advising on WAP-related matters.
Not to be confused with WAP, or WAP.
Some classical tunes for the evening. #palpatine #starwars #lego #wap
#palpatine #starwars #lego #wap
I've just received my freak certification, but it only covers one day a week. How do I get it extended to cover all 7 days? #WAP
I seem to have connected with my inner Cardi B when I made this typo just now..
#WAP #CardiB #typo #WeAllMakeMistakes
#wap #cardib #typo #weallmakemistakes
Neues für Wap
Kunst im Handydisplay
Christiane Wettig, Net Business (München, 26. Juni 2000)
#WAP sei Dank, jetzt gibt es sogar Kunst für Handys. wap.sonnet – microbe.4/wap.art ist die wahrscheinlich erste WAP-Kunst der Welt. Igor Štromajer heisst der Schöpfer des telematischen Werkes, das mit einfachsten Mitteln über das Leben in den Zeiten des WAP berichtet. Da wird geflüstert, geschwiegen und gestorben, werden Zahlen zu Menschen oder verwandeln sich Klammern und Sternchen in Gefühle. Ein Rätsel mit und über die neue Technologie und eine kleine, freche Eulenspiegelei.
Denn bislang haben vor allem Geschäftsleute und Technikfreaks teuere WAP-Handys, und die benutzen ihre Telefone in erster Linie ganz pragmatisch. "Plötzlich prallen sie auf das WAP-Sonnet, haben keine Ahnung, wofür es ist und was sie mit der sinnlosen Information machen sollen", schmunzelt der 32-jährigen Slowene. "Ich bringe also Geschäftsleute durcheinander und erzähle ihnen vom Bruch in der Kommunikation." Dass er für seine Arbeit nur die eingeschränkten Möglichkeiten einer Handytastatur zur Verfügung hat, findet der preisgekrönte Netzkünstler "wunderbar". Dennoch will er keine weitere WAP-Art machen. "WAP ist tot, die dritte Handygeneration wird komplett interaktiv und multimedial sein."
Proposal - rename the Bartholin and Skene’s glands the Cardi and Stallion glands. #WAP #MedMastodon
And there it is. The inspiration for #WAP. #CardiB #MeganTheeStallion
#wap #cardib #megantheestallion #drunkpete
Christ, we're all getting replaced by AI. 😂
I just asked ChatGPT to change Megan Thee Stallion's first verse in "W.A.P." to instead focus on industrial safety, and it's unbelievably good. Weird Al would weep.
#chatgpt #megantheestallion #wap #industrialsafety #safety
@hisham_hm This reminds me of #Nokia’s short-lived attempt to rebrand #WAP as a some sort of Web 1.0bis. They called it the Mobile Media Mode. I actually thought the logo was kind of clever at the time, although the stack (particularly over an SMS bearer, but engineering-wise, all of it) was something truly horrible.