Wondering if there is a specific gene related to a person's propensity to accept #keynesianism and #infiniteGrowth.
An obsession with increasing numbers is an #illness, but such an #obsession is baked into #KeynesianEconomics, which obsesses over 3% #growth.
Wonder if its the same gene that relates to #addiction and #hedonism.
#presentHedonist #stocks #genetics #austrianSchool #warOnSavers #warOnPreservers #warOnConservationists #warOnProgressiveLeft
#keynesianism #infiniteGrowth #illness #obsession #KeynesianEconomics #growth #addiction #hedonism #presentHedonist #stocks #genetics #austrianSchool #warOnSavers #warOnPreservers #warOnConservationists #warOnProgressiveLeft
PSA: Anyone who is interested in maintaining a bit of #privacy, saving wealth for a rainy day, who opposes #growthIdeology, opposes BigTech #monopolists, or the destruction of #smallBusiness,
… will henceforth be declared anarchists.
#labels #BigTech #warOnSavers #warOnConservationists #anarchism
#privacy #growthIdeology #monopolists #smallbusiness #labels #bigtech #warOnSavers #warOnConservationists #anarchism
When are the #police going to #GeorgeFloydTheMoneyPrinters?
Honestly, when?
#whitecollarcrime #extortion #blackmail #centralbankers #jeromePowell #threatOfExtremeMoneyPrinting #warOnSavers #warOnConservationists #warOnWorkingPeople #polluters #pollution #waste #extremeWaste #engineeringOfConsent #FIREsector #finance #insurance #realestate #financialisation #georgeFloyd #minneapolis #extinctionRebellion
#police #realestate #financialisation #GeorgeFloyd #GeorgeFloydTheMoneyPrinters #whitecollarcrime #extortion #blackmail #centralBankers #jeromePowell #threatOfExtremeMoneyPrinting #warOnSavers #warOnConservationists #warOnWorkingPeople #polluters #pollution #waste #extremeWaste #EngineeringOfConsent #FireSector #finance #insurance #minneapolis #extinctionrebellion