Savings are not capitalism. Saving your money is almost antithetical to the current system.

Keynesians are anti-saving because goes against their cult of and .

Get with the program… programs being and Monero.

@NunyaBidness get off Cloudflare.

#corporateState #saving #hyperConsumption #extremeWaste #bitcoincore #Keynesians #warOnSavers

Last updated 2 years ago

You are not ready to know this, but imagine the cost of has averaged $400 over the past 10 years.

Since 2020 it has shot up to $1600+

If you are not enjoying the benefits of the you may die. Make sure you , savers, bitcoiners and secure for the extremely wealthy on the way out.

#fertiliser #moneyPrinting #blamerussia #taxbreaks #permacultureNow #warOnSavers #letThemEatTheRich #food #Foodprices #moneyPrinterGoDrr #centralBanking

Last updated 3 years ago


> "I believe that institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If (…) people ever allow private to control the issue of their , first by , then by , the banks and that will grow up around the banks will deprive people of all property until their children wake up on the their fathers conquered."

~ (1802)

#banking #banks #currency #inflation #deflation #corporations #homeless #land #thomasjefferson #warOnSavers #bitcoincore #moneroFixesThis

Last updated 3 years ago

The biggest development over the past two days is that are now demanding that 'unfriendly states' use rubles to buy energy from March 31.

The are saying that violates contracts, but what contracts? Firstly and famously, countries didn't sign long-term contracts with Russia, fearing 'dependence'.

Are nations really entitled to ?

#russia #g7 #RussianGas #unfriendlyStates #rubleForGas #degrowth #warOnSavers

Last updated 3 years ago



It helps by:
a) not stealing from savers, when govts print money its actually an attack on people who choose not to spend (see ),
b) reducing and waste because it would costs real money,
c) making war — as to some bankers it "just costs lives because we print the money",
d) making and possible as they are easiest to enforce,



#warOnSavers #overconsumption #cost #LandTax #maximumRentalIncome #howCanBitcoinHelp

Last updated 3 years ago

Okay, so how much money are they going to print to fund this?

#warOnSavers #warOnTerror2p #warOnDrugs3p

Last updated 3 years ago

The sad part is it almost seemed like they were about to turn over a new leaf last month by accepting donations in sound-money from actual .

Then the in the saw an end to that, of course.

@khm @sl007

#savers #grifters #TwitterSphere #warOnSavers #growthism

Last updated 3 years ago

Wondering why the on your savings appears to fluctuate from month-to-month? You may be surprised to learn that its no longer about how much you might be .

Some have rules that arbitrarily slash your **personal** interestRate.

Manage 1% of your own in a way they don't like…? Or no income that month…?

Poof, interestRate slashed!

#behaviourBased #savings #warOnSavers #moneyPrinterGoDrr #InterestRateApartied #interestrate #saving #banks #behaviourBasedInterestRates #australia #whyBitcoinCore

Last updated 3 years ago

Not to sound conspiratorial, but most of the time they aim to make us sick.

The only time they want to actually kill us is when we explain that we are of the of and thus value .

#austrianSchool #economics #saving #warOnSavers #centralBanks #deleteKeynesianism #banksters #bankerCrimes #inflation #stealthTax #debtslavery #whyBitcoinCore

Last updated 3 years ago

Does the 'eco' in '' stand for 'economic'? *wink

Its about time someone held these criminals at to account.

#ecoterrorist #counterfeiting #thefed #MoneyLaunderingGoBrr #consumptionism #growth #warOnSavers

Last updated 3 years ago

If bitcoin was a nation and that nation was using 40-70% , you'd be impressed.

How then have the arbiters of culture, and the and been able to poison your mind against it?

Meditate on that.

#renewables #mainstreampress #socialmedia #warOnSavers #cbdc #CentralBankDigitalCurrency #debtslavery

Last updated 3 years ago

We also call for ecological repair. Before concerning yourself with savers (and arguably environment savers too, by extension) please cast your attention to and who wish to profit from land for , and actual .

Bitcoin could be the furthest concern from your mind. It fact it is a remedy to debt fueled .

#propertyDevelopers #landholders #rezoning #urbanOverdevelopment #monoculture #mining #expansionism #warOnSavers #rentSeeking #bigCapital

Last updated 3 years ago

Free as in we will and destroy all your savings until your morale improves. The is a literal war against people saving resources and energy.

They are putting the in .

See our #)GMSoy etc post, today (need we point to the , too).

We've seen in action so many damned times, we'll be damned if we don't seek an end to their abuse now.

#moneyPrinterGoBrr #warOnSavers #Arian #humanitarianaid #opioidcrisis #bigpharma #humanitarianKoolAid

Last updated 3 years ago

Yes, and it doesn't help when there's a and .


#warOnSavers #savings #bitcoinfixesthis

Last updated 4 years ago

Aside from calls for a that would, it seems, only really benefit debtors, and encourage more reckless borrowing for that hurts savers, Prof. 's interview on this week has some things to say about climate catastophies.

Both enlightening and troubling:

#debtjubilee #consumption #stevekeen #RenegadeInc #climatechange #globalwarming #TheGreatReset #fiatCurrency #modernDebtJubilee #warOnSavers #ProfSteveKeen

Last updated 4 years ago

TODD: Hi I'm my name's Todd, and I'm a .


TODD: I first started saving when I was in school. Yeah, those little bank books. I hoped one day I could save enough *sob* to buy a house. I COULDN'T *sob*


#saver #saverTherapy #saversAnonymous #criminalSyndicate #underground #warOnSavers #banks #assetinflation #whyBitcoin

Last updated 4 years ago

PSA: Anyone who is interested in maintaining a bit of , saving wealth for a rainy day, who opposes , opposes BigTech , or the destruction of ,

… will henceforth be declared anarchists.

#privacy #growthIdeology #monopolists #smallbusiness #labels #bigtech #warOnSavers #warOnConservationists #anarchism

Last updated 4 years ago