With apologies to #OzzyOsbourne, this #WarPig Wikipedia article is a fantastic read:
War pigs are pigs reported to have been used in ancient warfare as military animals, mostly as a countermeasure against war elephants.
Corporate WarPig NYTimes continues to lie about the US Iraq War timeline - a war it helped cause by publishing Dick Cheney aluminum tubes lies, citing him as an unnamed administration source.
While the 'Paper of Record' was pimping war based on lies, it was also suppressing the news about GW Bush's illegal mass warrantless domestic spying program.
#NewYorkTimes #Corporate #WarPig #PR
#pr #warPig #corporate #newyorktimes
@DanielStone glowies have started posting "human interest" drivel in their #warpig timelines
fucking hilarious