@randahl We have read your post. How is it that you neglect to mention the done by the in the last year and a half.

The in the US is the biggest beneficiary of the through .

#warProfiteering #usa #weaponsIndustry #waronrussia #ukraine

Last updated 1 year ago

It *is* the . Can anyone really trust the and WorldBank these days. We can only assume Blackrock is hoping to cash in on too, with recent news that they may get the lucrative contracts to rebuild (whatever is left of) the country.

Even the founder himself alleged at the start of the conflict that would be defeated in weeks. So either he was lying, or his mass of predictive, supercomputers were wrong.

#worldbank #imf #ukraine #blackrock #russia #ai #failingupwards #warProfiteering

Last updated 1 year ago

Bunkunin · @Bunkunin
510 followers · 2818 posts · Server mstdn.social
Mat Simpson · @profmjsimpson
59 followers · 177 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

RT @simonahac@twitter.com

key stats to help you prepare for the onslaught of gaslighting by australia's fossil fuel sector.

• 86% of our coal is exported
• 75% of our gas is exported

the price caps will allow them to continue on exports, and still extract healthy profits domestically.

🐦🔗: twitter.com/simonahac/status/1


Last updated 2 years ago

When is that country going to get ?

When is it going to be the actual it pretends to be, as opposed to a , profiteering and enterprise?

Does mean we should see soon?


#rankChoiceVoting #democracy #warProfiteering #slavelabour #virtualSignalling #BernieOrVest #yellowvests

Last updated 5 years ago