@randahl We have read your post. How is it that you neglect to mention the #warProfiteering done by the #USA in the last year and a half.
The #weaponsIndustry in the US is the biggest beneficiary of the #warOnRussia through #Ukraine.
#warProfiteering #usa #weaponsIndustry #waronrussia #ukraine
It *is* the #WorldBank. Can anyone really trust the #IMF and WorldBank these days. We can only assume Blackrock is hoping to cash in on #Ukraine too, with recent news that they may get the lucrative contracts to rebuild (whatever is left of) the country.
Even the #BlackRock founder himself alleged at the start of the conflict that #Russia would be defeated in weeks. So either he was lying, or his mass of predictive, #AI supercomputers were wrong.
#worldbank #imf #ukraine #blackrock #russia #ai #failingupwards #warProfiteering
KanRus Trading? And they're based in Kansas? Nobody thought to ask what the "Rus" stood for?
Big Oil's Annual Profits are "The Definition of War Profiteering"
I told you so:
#WarProfiteering #Ukraine #BigOil #Capitalism
#Capitalism #bigoil #Ukraine #warProfiteering
RT @simonahac@twitter.com
key stats to help you prepare for the onslaught of gaslighting by australia's fossil fuel sector.
• 86% of our coal is exported
• 75% of our gas is exported
the price caps will allow them to continue #WarProfiteering on exports, and still extract healthy profits domestically.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/simonahac/status/1602096220008493056
When is that country going to get #rankChoiceVoting?
When is it going to be the actual #democracy it pretends to be, as opposed to a #warProfiteering, #slaveLabour profiteering and #virtualSignalling enterprise?
Does #BernieOrVest mean we should see #yellowVests soon?
#rankChoiceVoting #democracy #warProfiteering #slavelabour #virtualSignalling #BernieOrVest #yellowvests