> »A house in Dnipro was hit by an X-22 missile, which is called the "killer of aircraft carriers"
This missile is designed to destroy aircraft carrier groups at sea. Can be equipped with a nuclear part. This was announced by the official representative of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Yuriy Ignat.
In June, the missile of the same type hit a shopping center in Kremenchuk. «
It's really not a war, where civilians were murdered, missiles "designed to destroy aircraft carrier groups" were used to destroy civil residential houses with the only goal to murder and to terrorize innocent people.
yes, it's not a war, because the #orcs don't stand to the laws of war. It is a criminal terroroperation
#russianwar #russianterror #waragainstukraine #russia #raschists #lawsofwar
#orcs #russianwar #russianterror #waragainstukraine #russia #raschists #lawsofwar
"Unser Ziel ist es nicht, das Schwungrad des militärischen Konflikts weiterzudrehen, sondern im Gegenteil, diesen KRIEG zu beenden."
Er hat #KRIEG gesagt. Jetzt müssen die Russen #PUTIN doch verhaften, oder?
#krieg #putin #militarischerspezialkrieg #waragainstukraine #putinpoopedhimself