Needed a hike after the past weeks of heat and #ClimateCrises in the news. Oxley provides that place of #Solace and @Wonder that we all need. We are early in #Migration, but are seeing an amazing number of #Warblers already. I wonder if the spike in migration is related to the #Fires in Canada = purely conjecture on my part, not even at hypothesis rank.
This is one of my favorites, a #NortherParula. Their call reminds me of a small #VibroSeis running through a sweep. They can be very gregarious if you are lucky. and talk to them softly.
Other sightings today included
along with the usual suspects.
#birdsofmastodon #birdphotography #naturephotography #oxleynaturecenter #climatecrises #solace #migration #warblers #fires #northerparula #vibroseis #wilsonswarbler #yellowwarbler #leastflycatcher #americanredstart #nikond850 #500mm
A family of at least four #WillowWarblers foraging in the #Buddleia bushes in #BelfastHarbourEstate this morning.
#nature #NaturePhotography #wildlife #bird #birds #BirdPhotography #warbler #warblers #songbird #Belfast #NorthernIreland
#willowwarblers #buddleia #belfastharbourestate #nature #naturephotography #wildlife #bird #birds #birdphotography #warbler #warblers #songbird #belfast #northernireland
Bird of the Day — Northern Parula, Kansas 2023
A paragon of pigmentation
#Nature #NaturePhotography #Birds #Wildlife #NatureCommunity #Photography #BirdsOfMastodon #BirdPhotography #BirdWatching #FlyoverCountry #Warblers
#nature #naturephotography #birds #wildlife #naturecommunity #photography #birdsofmastodon #birdphotography #birdwatching #flyovercountry #warblers
I've been getting a very special guest on my bird feeders and bird bath recently. This is a black-throated green warbler. They are endangered and protected here in Texas. There is actually a bird sanctuary at the canyon of the Eagles National Monument just a few miles up the road that has an amazing warbler sanctuary that they close off during the breeding season. What a beauty. I'm glad to be helping out. The weather is brutally hot, but the birds are enjoying my sanctuary.
#warblers #birds
Fabulous views of a freshly fledged yellow warbler being fed - what a great time of year! Jefferson County, New York, July 2023
#birding #birdwatching #bird #birds #birb #BirdsofNY #BirdsofNewYork #warblers #setophaga
#birding #birdwatching #bird #birds #birb #birdsofny #birdsofnewyork #warblers #setophaga
A yellow warbler (Setophaga petechia) checking me out in Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge (late May). These are small, greenish-gold birds with red stripes on their breast. Looks a bit too tropical for NYC? They winter Central America and the Caribbean, and migrate to the northern half of North America to breed (pretty much all the way up to the arctic circle.
#yellowsunbird #yellowwarbler #SetophagaPetechia #birds #birding #birdwatching #warblers #nature #wildlife #jamaicabay
#yellowsunbird #yellowwarbler #Setophagapetechia #birds #birding #birdwatching #warblers #nature #wildlife #jamaicabay
A northern parula chowing down on a termite in the North Woods in mid-May.
#northernparula #warblers #birds #birding #birdwatching #nature #wildlife #canonphotography #luminarneo #northwoods #centralpark #nycparks
#northernparula #warblers #birds #birding #birdwatching #nature #wildlife #canonphotography #LuminarNeo #northwoods #centralpark #nycparks
An ovenbird hunting termites in the North Woods in mid-May.
#ovenbird #warblers #nature #wildlife #canonphotography #luminarneo #birds #birding #birdwatching #northwoods #centralpark #nycparks
#ovenbird #warblers #nature #wildlife #canonphotography #LuminarNeo #birds #birding #birdwatching #northwoods #centralpark #nycparks
A magnolia warbler hunting termites in the North Woods of Central Park in mid-May.
#magnoliawarbler #warblers #northwoods #centralpark #nycparks #birds #birding #birdwatching #nature #wildlife #canonphotography #luminarneo
#magnoliawarbler #warblers #northwoods #centralpark #nycparks #birds #birding #birdwatching #nature #wildlife #canonphotography #LuminarNeo
A female common yellowthroat hunting for bugs in a cypress tree near the Pool in Central Park.
#commonyellowthroat #warblers #nature #wildlife #birds #birding #birdwatching #pool #centralpark #nycparks #canonphotography #luminarneo
#commonyellowthroat #warblers #nature #wildlife #birds #birding #birdwatching #pool #centralpark #nycparks #canonphotography #LuminarNeo
A male common yellowthroat bathing at the Pool in Central Park.
#luminarneo #canonphotography #commonyellowthroat #warblers #nature #wildlife #canonphotography #luminarneo #birds #birding #birdwatching
#LuminarNeo #canonphotography #commonyellowthroat #warblers #nature #wildlife #birds #birding #birdwatching
A male black-throated blue warbler near bathing rock at the Pool in Central Park.
#blackthroatedblue #warblers #birds #birding #birdwatching #nature #wildlife #pool #centralpark #nycparks #canonphotography #luminarneo
#blackthroatedblue #warblers #birds #birding #birdwatching #nature #wildlife #pool #centralpark #nycparks #canonphotography #LuminarNeo
A yellow warbler taking a bath near the Pool in Central Park.
#yellowwarbler #warblers #birds #birding #birdwatching #nature #wildlife #canonphotography #luminarneo #pool #centralpark #nycparks
#yellowwarbler #warblers #birds #birding #birdwatching #nature #wildlife #canonphotography #LuminarNeo #pool #centralpark #nycparks
A blackburnian warbler from mid-may near the Pool in Central Park.
#blackburnianwarbler #warblers #pool #centralpark #nycparks #canonphotography #luminarneo #birds #birding #birdwatching #nature #wildlife
#blackburnianwarbler #warblers #pool #centralpark #nycparks #canonphotography #LuminarNeo #birds #birding #birdwatching #nature #wildlife
A Yellow Warbler seen yesterday, singing in the sunshine at Winslow Park in Freeport, Maine.
#birdphotography #NaturePhotography #warblers #Maine #birds
#birdphotography #naturephotography #warblers #maine #birds
A male hooded warbler around the Head of the Gil in the Ramble in Central Park.
#hoodedwarbler #warblers #migration #nature #wildlife #birds #birding #birdwatching #ramble #centralpark #nycparks #canonphotography #luminarneo
#hoodedwarbler #warblers #migration #nature #wildlife #birds #birding #birdwatching #ramble #centralpark #nycparks #canonphotography #LuminarNeo
A male common yellowthroat hunting near the Pool in Central Park.
#commonyellowthroat #warblers #migration #birds #birding #birdwatching #nature #wildlife #pool #centralpark #nycparks #canonphotography #luminarneo
#commonyellowthroat #warblers #migration #birds #birding #birdwatching #nature #wildlife #pool #centralpark #nycparks #canonphotography #LuminarNeo
A northern waterthrush at the Pool in Central Park.
#northernwaterthrush #waterthrush #warblers #migration #birds #birding #birdwatching #pool #centralpark #nycparks #canonphotography #luminarneo
#northernwaterthrush #waterthrush #warblers #migration #birds #birding #birdwatching #pool #centralpark #nycparks #canonphotography #LuminarNeo
A female American Redstart near the Pool in Central Park.
#americanredstart #redstart #warblers #birds #birding #birdwatching #migration #nature #wildlife #canonphotography #luminarneo #centralpark #pool #nycparks
#americanredstart #redstart #warblers #birds #birding #birdwatching #migration #nature #wildlife #canonphotography #LuminarNeo #centralpark #pool #nycparks
A blackpole warbler mooning me as it leaves with all the other warblers. Just kidding, this one was really early and there was still more warbler action after it passed through.
#blackpolewarbler #warblers #migration #birds #birding #birdwatching #nature #wildlife #canonphotography #luminarneo #centralpark #nycparks
#blackpolewarbler #warblers #migration #birds #birding #birdwatching #nature #wildlife #canonphotography #LuminarNeo #centralpark #nycparks