Strategy is present in any organization. Everybody has their "way to make decisions".
If you think #Wardleymapping can be a better way to make decisions, that's fine.
But the way to demonstrate it is not to tell it, the way to do it is to make your decisions "the best", then people will pay attention to you and you can comment #wardleymaps
My personal view about how Olympic games turned from a country pride event turned into a commercial event.
I start with Seoul Olympic Games, exploring outside the competitive landscape of #wardleymaps.
All these ai tools embedded in the writing step for email and social is obviously gonna dress up a lot of inane shit in fancy, important-sounding but ultimately meaningless fluff.
Can't stop it. So expect that we'll adapt. Co-evolution of practice (#WardleyMaps) basically guarantees it.
You know how you can spot when someone copies and pastes something from ChatGPT? That's a hint of adaptive practices.
Time to hone your bullshit detection skills.
The #Spurs start a new cycle, many things to evolve, mature and change.
In the current status-quo of Social networks where competition is fierce & data protection is null,
I dream with the ability of governments to have the ability to turn these spaces in public spaces
Probably the only country is the world able to do it is China
Next Thursday Chris Butler will offer a Live session: strategic rehearsal with #wardleymaps
July 20th, 18:00 to 19.00 CET (12.00 ET, 9.00 PST, 22:30 IST)
#wardleymaps, where are some of the signs that enable us to anticipate to our next move?
Ride requires practice, Wardley mapping requires practice too.
The bike is rode by you not by a consultant.
We can help you to learn to ride a bike, we cannot ride your bike.
The WM framework is evolving. Version 0.2 will contain:
- Adoption points for Scrum practitioners
- Adoption points for Six Sigma practitioners
- Use cases, to enable people to figure out how to organize the work around WM and fit into their current way of work.
For instance:
I want to write more & I think it’s a newsletter that regularly explores frameworks / mental models.
What should I call it?
It’s primarily focused on product management (a/b testing to RICE scoring to Kano to #WardleyMaps) but I’m sure to sneak in other ways of thinking (PARA organizing, timeboxing, career metaphors)
Some ideas but not quite right yet:
Mental Models To Know / Framing Product Management / Restructured Thought / Using Mental Models / Everyday Product Thinking
Tomorrow afternoon Pablo Bermejo will talk about:
"Invisible design decisions at platform level that enable businesses to thrive"
Just visit the page and you can access to the conference. See you there!
If you've tried #WardleyMaps before, could you tell me what happened here?
:awesomeface: Neu im Programm: Unsere
1-Tages-Workshops ermöglichen euch, in kurzer Zeit konkretes Wissen und praktische Fähigkeiten zu erwerben. Remote, interaktiv , praxisorientiert. Mehr Infos zu den aktuell geplanten Themen findet ihr hier: #workshop #microservices #cloudnative #ddd #teamtopologies #wardleymaps
#workshop #microservices #cloudnative #ddd #teamtopologies #wardleymaps
Syndication (licensing) in TV has evolved a lot since the streaming has turned massive
Lot of licensing rules and mechanisms, happening where the infraction of IP happens and is prevented in real time
Challenge it! (it's wrong)
#wardleymaps #streaming
@jakob presenting the effect of "externalities" during the #wardleymaps for Business event
Anyone used #WardleyMaps to visualize collapse mechanics in industrialized systems?
ie that thing I keep going on about, where change flows up from disruption to the things below you and to the right in the map? We tend to look more up and to the left, or straight to the right, when thinking about the future…
LLMs are here today thanks to MPP DBs
Here I want to remember a climatic pattern related to Speed: Efficiency enables innovation
A review of #comcast technology solutions, reviewing first the TV / #streaming Ecosystem and then their main services.
#comcast #streaming #wardleymaps
On May 19th @jakob is going to talk about Externalities.
Using a Wardley Map how these externalities affect the companies and an example of a company leading that change
Discover more about Jakob and register 👇
#wardleymaps #externalities #strategy
#twitter #wardleymaps
This table tries to summarize the tensions between the user needs (3rd column) and Twitter actions (1st and 2nd column)
Evolution towards a segmented type of users continue.
I'm sure I have missed something, any addition?