I have been at #warfaireweekend all weekend, got back a few hours ago, as I've been posting about. All the painting I've done was classes, and tomorrow an eye specialist is going to blind me, so I'm not going to get any painting done.
I stopped in at the #turbodork booth and had to restrain myself from buying more paint than I could carry, because I'm a horrible goblin.
Classes from ImpendingDuff, Reiner72, Metalhead Minis, SABBATTC, and Mastermind.
#paintingminis #painting #miniatures #turbodork #warfaireweekend
The fruits of two classes at #warfaireweekend
First ten minutes of class fixed basically all my problems with wet blending, and explained why the best one I did was the first.
#paintingminis #painting #miniatures #warfaireweekend