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A new chapter is here!
Later in the evening, everyone heads out to a local pub to celebrate Bel and Freddie's marriage.
Chapter 16 of The Past is a Wound is here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44763670/chapters/126231166
@strangeseawolf @DoctorMonkey2 @doctorwanderer @Josordoni @QuokkaMocha @aperfectsong
#writing #amwriting #fanfic #fanfiction #archiveofourown #stories #thehour #writer #fiction #fictionwriter #writingcommunity #nuclear #warfare #newsstories #bbc #petercapaldi
#writing #amwriting #fanfic #fanfiction #archiveofourown #stories #TheHour #writer #fiction #fictionwriter #WritingCommunity #nuclear #warfare #newsstories #bbc #PeterCapaldi
A new chapter is here!
Bel and Freddie tie the knot. Aside from that, Lix has a burning question. She needs answers.
Chapter 15 of The Past is a Wound is here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44763670/chapters/125948272
@strangeseawolf @DoctorMonkey2 @doctorwanderer @Josordoni @QuokkaMocha @aperfectsong
#writing #amwriting #fanfic #fanfiction #archiveofourown #stories #thehour #writer #fiction #fictionwriter #writingcommunity #nuclear #warfare #newsstories #bbc #petercapaldi
#writing #amwriting #fanfic #fanfiction #archiveofourown #stories #TheHour #writer #fiction #fictionwriter #WritingCommunity #nuclear #warfare #newsstories #bbc #PeterCapaldi
This interview with a Ukrainian soldier from Mariupol is a fascinating account of the dynamics of urban warfare. https://castro.fm/episode/FaYOMJ
#Ukraine #warfare
Did any of you ever notice how #capitalism breaks systems that are supposed to help us? Rather like, we want to pay for useful things, but payment structures for many daily things make it unattractive to use them.
I think the biggest red flag that something is not in your favor is when people shit on taxes. That said, I do think that taxation is theft has some merit. I don't think we should have anything that would put you in prison if you don't do it, because the poor and disabled will be the victims. Also something that #communism #class #warfare people kinda ignore is that many rich people want to contribute but they are not allowed to pay more taxes than is allocated for them.
The right solution here is simplifying taxes to the point that you just have a bank account number and a coin box to leave taxes in. You can calculate a reference, but in the end everyone should be responsible themselves to pay taxes the way that works best for them. This way we have true community buy-in with community contributions. This can also fix issues with multi-country taxation and the very reason we have so many tax loopholes. If you are called on your morals instead of your shareholders, tax loopholes become completely nonsensical.
Also my favorite part of my religion, the Bahá'í faith, is that any and all kind of taxation is not just only done when you are really convinced about doing it, but also only over the part that is more than what you need to survive. I think taxation over the base amount of money you survive on is just criminal. But also, we shouldn't frame taxation as having rich people paying their fair share, but instead incorporating the rich as part of the community tasking to do what they do best, which can often involve putting their money to work.
Any kind of division creates war, and war kills people. Class warfare is never going to fix capitalism, only making sure that we are all part of the same community and society will.
#capitalism #communism #class #warfare #Bahai #cohesivism #voluntary #taxation
As #ClimateChange reducers the amount of resources humanity has access to how will humanity in general respond? War or peace?
FYI, the Dissenter 817 isn't specifically about climate change. Although the evidence of anthropology is relevant.
The Dissenter: #817 Raymond Hames: #Hunting, #Mating Systems, #Warfare, and #Evolutionary £Anthropology
Episode webpage: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thedissenter/episodes/817-Raymond-Hames-Hunting--Mating-Systems--Warfare--and-Evolutionary-Anthropology-e26c030
#climatechange #hunting #mating #warfare #evolutionary
The #UnitedStates #SpaceForce has activated its first and only unit dedicated to targeting other nations' #satellites and the ground stations that support them.
"We are changing the way targeting is done across the joint community when it comes to space and electromagnetic #warfare." https://www.space.com/space-force-1st-targeting-squadron #space
#unitedstates #spaceforce #satellites #warfare #space
#PROFESSOR Boyle says we cannot trust #CDC on this issue or #NIH or #Fauci They are fatally compromised to give any advice on #coronavirus The #WHO is up to its eyeballs in #biological #warfare and also cannot be trusted.
#Professor #cdc #nih #fauci #coronavirus #WHO #biological #warfare #NUREMBERG2
Ukraine’s intelligence chief warns:
”It’s not that Russian [cyber warfare] tactics are ineffective, but that we 8 years to prepare. If they attacked another European country that was unprepared the results could be very destructive”
#cyber #warfare #ukraine #russia
🇫🇷🪖 « We argued that the French military — now indisputably the most capable in Western Europe — could do a lot of things very well. But it also lacked the depth and the mass to do anything on a large scale for any length of time before it simply ran out of stuff » https://warontherocks.com/2023/04/why-the-french-army-will-continue-to-prioritize-quality-over-mass/ #Warfare #France #Army #HighIntensityWarfare
#warfare #france #army #highintensitywarfare
Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 15, 2023 - Torching of Lahaina an ACT OF TERRORISM by the tyrannical government against the people of Hawaii
- #Lahaina fires were deliberately allowed to achieve maximum destruction
- #Maui police and county officials are refusing to talk to local press (video)
- Hundreds of children were burned alive in something resembling a mass child sacrifice ritual
- Hawaiian government resorts to #tyranny and SILENCE while locals go hungry
- This is what happens when you vote corrupt Democrats into power
- Governments are waging acts of #terrorism and #warfare against their own people
- Engineered famine, #geoengineering of crop failures, #terraforming operations to hurt crop yields
- Banana republic of Georgia indicts #Trump and others for ridiculous things; an assault on free speech
#Lahaina #maui #tyranny #terrorism #warfare #Geoengineering #terraforming #Trump
Interesting research challenging the persistent claim that in the 14th century beleaguered Mongols at Caffa hurled their plague dead over the fortress walls.
The fear “is that repeating false claims of past biological #warfare normalizes the idea of intentional use of disease, making the actual use of biological weapons more likely.”
#history #bioweapons #plague #SiegeOfCaffa #biosecurity #BulletinOfTheAtomicScientists
#warfare #history #bioweapons #plague #siegeofcaffa #biosecurity #bulletinoftheatomicscientists
Interesting research questioning the persistent myth that 14th century beleaguered Mongols at Caffa hurled their plague dead over the fortress walls.
The fear “is that repeating false claims of past biological #warfare normalizes the idea of intentional use of disease, making the actual use of biological weapons more likely.”
#warfare #history #bioweapons #plague #siegeofcaffa #biosecurity
Just watched [VIDEO] War, AI and the New Global Arms Race by Alexandr Wang
#ai #warfare #UkraineWar #russia #china #likewar #edtechsr
A new chapter has arrived! The Author's Note is important.
In the quiet moments, Lix will lose herself to whimsical thoughts. There has been a lot to ponder as of late.
Chapter 14 of The Past is a Wound is here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44763670/chapters/124045573
@strangeseawolf @DoctorMonkey2 @doctorwanderer @Josordoni @QuokkaMocha @aperfectsong
#writing #amwriting #fanfic #fanfiction #archiveofourown #stories #thehour #writer #fiction #fictionwriter #writingcommunity #nuclear #warfare #newsstories #bbc #petercapaldi
#writing #amwriting #fanfic #fanfiction #archiveofourown #stories #TheHour #writer #fiction #fictionwriter #WritingCommunity #nuclear #warfare #newsstories #bbc #PeterCapaldi
Meanwhile, #BackInTheUSColony. Roosevelt Roads at one point was the largest US naval base in the world outside the continental US. Its runways were good enough for the space shuttle to land if need be. Closed in 2004, US now proposes to train Ukrainian pilots there. (Spanish news)
Ejército de Estados Unidos entrena pilotos ucranianos en Roosevelt Roads
https://claridadpuertorico.com/ejercito-de-estados-unidos-entrena-pilotos-ucranianos-en-roosevelt-roads/ via #ClaridadPR
#warfare #mastodonpr #puertorico #ClaridadPR #BackInTheUSColony
Dire warning over Chinese EVs which ‘could paralyse UK roads’ in an instant
China could paralyse Britain’s roads with a flick of a switch
Between 100,000 & 300,000 electric cars in Europe could be immobilised remotely by Chinese officials
This could be the most effective Trojan horse that the Chinese establishment has
#China #automotive #EV #Britain #UK #UnitedKingdom #digital #Orwell #warfare #Electric Vehicles #disabled #shutdown #TrojanHorse #Chinese #Beijing
#beijing #chinese #trojanhorse #shutdown #disabled #electric #warfare #orwell #digital #unitedkingdom #uk #britain #ev #automotive #china