More pics from the #WargameBootcamp at #PaciificonGameeXpo over the long Labor Day weekend.
@zeotter ran A Most Fearful Sacrifice as a participation game across the con. Folks could learn while playing for as long as they wanted. The activation system allowed folks to play small chunks of the game at a time.
Karl taught Prelude to Rebellion by #CompassGames on Saturday.
He also taught Strike Counterstrike (GTS series) by MMP on Sunday.
#wargamebootcamp #paciificongameexpo #compassgames #hexesforever #boardgames #wargames
The #WargameBootcamp will soon be on the road again to #PacificonGameeXpo 2023 in Santa Clara, CA. This will be the 10th year we will teach historical #boardgames to all types of #tabletop games.
We teach the game. You have fun. No experience required.
#BGG game request/suggestion geeklist is:
#boardgame #hexesforever @zeotter
#wargamebootcamp #pacificongameexpo #boardgames #tabletop #bgg #boardgame #hexesforever
Meanwhile the other group played Border Reivers by #GMTGames
The game flavour and history is rich based around the English/Scottish border region rivalries of the 16th C. They seemed to like it which is good as I have not played it yet.
I’ll be bringing Border Reivers to Pacificon Game eXpo in Santa Clara next month for the #WargameBootcamp.
#gmtgames #wargamebootcamp #hexesforever
Lot's of online historical #boardgame related this Saturday (18th March 2023) at the #SDHISTCON virtual con. Lot's of events with demos, teaching sessions, and designer talks. Get your tickets at
The #WargameBootcamp will be taking part including running familiarization training on using Discord, #VassalEngine and Tabletop Simulator on Friday night.
#boardgames #hexesforever
#boardgame #sdhistcon #wargamebootcamp #vassalengine #boardgames #hexesforever
Last weekend was the #SDHist #boardgame convention in San Diego, CA. The majority of games played are historical wargames. I was there as part of the #WargameBootcamp.
We teach folks how to play #boardgames. Our audience are newcomers to the genre, experienced grognards, or returnees to the hobby.
Some folks want to learn specific games, others want to try someone new or different. We aim to be flexible. We react to people's experience and knowledge levels. It's hard work yet rewarding too.
#sdhist #Boardgame #wargamebootcamp #boardgames