Phobos Lt for my Primaris Alpha Legion. ,,I'll be posting more of them as i get the colors finalized. This one is in an admittedly hard to see color Shifting paint. Too much gloss i think. I'll have to tone it down..#warhammer40kminiatures #warhammer40kspacemarines #warhammer40kalphalegion #alphalegion40k #primarisspacemarines #fortheemperor
#fortheemperor #primarisspacemarines #alphalegion40k #warhammer40kalphalegion #warhammer40kspacemarines #warhammer40kminiatures
Two classic Dreadnoughts gong up this week along with a large assortment of Classic Chaos Space Marines. Watch the store for these as we don't think they'll last! Just need to give these hefty boys a coat of primer. #warhammer40kminiatures #oldhammer40k #warhammer40kspacemarines #warhammer40kdreadnought #shopsmallbusiness
#shopsmallbusiness #warhammer40kdreadnought #warhammer40kspacemarines #oldhammer40k #warhammer40kminiatures