#BloodBowl Undead Biased Referee confirmed
#bloodbowl #warhammerfest #warhammerday
Having fun with the #WarhammerDay #Warhammerfest new releases?
I'm having a great time with my resin printed #Eldar, sculpted by independent artists outside the Games Corporation. Infinitely cheaper, more cute and strangely satisfying to paint.
In the current economic crisis scenario I think it's specially on these "trademark days" when we should reflect on our hyper-consumer behaviour and the sustainability of it all.
#warhammerday #warhammerfest #eldar #15mm40k #15mm #40k #Aeldari #3dprinting
Looks like #WarhammerDay has become "recicle unsold sprue day" in form of Vanguard / Boarding patrol boxes. They release a single new model for a bunch of armies, then pack them with lots of other units and charge you more than 100€.
Oh, and books. New army books. Those will be outdated soon, but who cares for the expensive paper nowadays?
Business as usual.