How do you combat a critical hit ( With epic equipment! I looted a legendary standing desk! Take that, foul #SacroiliacJointDemon! And by looted I mean I didn't pay the iron price. I used PayPal. But still.
In a hellish twist of fate fitting for the chaos gods, this ironically means primarily that I can start working again tomorrow.
But also, that we may yet be able to play our online #WarhammerFantasyRP session 5 on Tuesday, so there is that.
#sacroiliacjointdemon #warhammerfantasyrp #ttrpg #pnpde #wfrp4e
The German version of #WarhammerFantasyRP gives lengths converted to metric but with long distance tables done somewhat clumsily as "per 1,6 km" i.e. per 1 mile. So it'd be easy and work just as well to convert the few length tables in the rules yourself and lengths in adventures ad hoc as they come up.
Weights are not widely used as the system uses encumbrance points.
Money denominations are all over the place anyway (12 brass to a silver, 20 silver to a gold).
#warhammerfantasyrp #wfrp4e #WHFRP
Just saw yesterday's Cubicle 7 blog update for #WarhammerFantasyRP. Three supplements in the works currently:
- Lustria continent expansion
- Übersreik Adventures III
- Guide for Rogue and Ranger classes
Sounds great, though personally I'd prefer they allocate more resources to poor Mooman so he has a chance to catch up with the #FoundryVTT modules for everything already released.
#warhammerfantasyrp #foundryvtt #wfrp4e #WHFRP #warhammer #ttrpg #pnpde