Heute ging's mit #WarhammerFantasyRPG weiter. 🤓 Nach einem alkoholisiertem Tavernenzwischenfall standen wir auf der Reise einem Mutanten gegenüber. Die Furcht war groß, jedoch mit Sigmars Beistand waren wir siegreich - aber ein Schrei verheißt nun nichts Gutes ...
We lost the teens in the sewers. We killed an elfin purple hand cultist who tried to ambush us. I tried to get him to talk, but he was too crazed so we put him down.
Decided it was high time we got out of Ăśbersreik. We are not ready to tackle a cult this large and powerful. Our elf wants us to head to the Great Forest.
#ttrpg #WFRP #warhammerfantasyrpg #enemywithin #somethingrotteninubersreik #stupidteens
Now we are chasing teens in the sewers. This’ll be great.
#ttrpg #WFRP #warhammerfantasyrpg #enemywithin #somethingrotteninubersreik #stupidteens
We are staked out at the Clean Street Orphanage, hoping to catch cultists this full moon.
#TTRPG #WFRP #WarhammerFantasyRpg #EnemyWithin #SomethingRottenInĂśbersreik
#ttrpg #WFRP #warhammerfantasyrpg #enemywithin #somethingrotteninubersreik
We ended up rolling up careers for our upcoming Warhammer FRP campaign. It looks like I’m going to be a human barber-surgeon. Depending on how things go I can either make my way to spy and assassin, or over to Wizard’s apprentice.
I really do love the career progression in #WFRP .
#WFRP #ttrpg #warhammerfantasyrpg #barbersurgeon
@xapur_rpg What else do you need to run it on Foundry? I assume there's a paid PF2e core module? Any supplement modules necessary?
I only know how it works for #WarhammerFantasyRPG #wfrp4e on Foundry so far.
New episode which is about Tzeentch cultists and playing them in games of #warhammer40k #wrathandglory #warhammerfantasyrpg #ageofsigmar #soulbound #ttrpg #rpg #roleplay http://podcast.darker-days.org/e/225-darkhammer-25-tzeentch/
#warhammer40k #WrathAndGlory #warhammerfantasyrpg #ageofsigmar #Soulbound #ttrpg #rpg #roleplay
#EnemyWithin I: #EnemyInShadows
Session 3: Kassandra
Welch ein seltsamer Zufall, der Anne widerfährt - an einem ohnehin schon ereignisreichen Tag auf den nie langweiligen Straßen des Imperiums...
#warhammerfantasyrpg #enemywithin #enemyinshadows #wfrp4e #TEW #eis #pnpde #ttrpg
#EnemyWithin I: #EnemyInShadows
Session 2: Auf nach Altdorf
Die Gruppe lernt auf dem Weg nach Altdorf, dass man Konflikte nicht immer nur mit Worten löst...
#warhammerfantasyrpg #enemywithin #enemyinshadows #wfrp4e #TEW #eis #pnpde #ttrpg
stupid real life. easy difficulty test on "sit at desk and reach for headset" yesterday. Critical fumble, hit location "lower back", crit table result: sacroiliac joint blockage. Fell prone and no resolve points, had to call ambulance.
At least nobody at the hospital made me do an intuition test or roll for corrupting influence, so there's probably no creepy forgotten morgue in the basement. haven't checked, though (currently at -60 to movement tests).
#ttrpg #wfrp4e #pnpde #warhammerfantasyrpg
Statistics after 4 Sessions of our #WarhammerFantasyRPG campaign #EnemyWithin I: #EnemyInShadows, just before leaving Altdorf:
nr. of traps encountered:
nr. of inside scenes taking place at a tavern or inn:
nr. of scenes in other enclosed or roofed locations:
sessions without any combat:
PCs who have skipped at least one meal for lack of funds:
PCs who have complained about either a lack of or an overabundance of either boats or trees:
#warhammerfantasyrpg #enemywithin #enemyinshadows #wfrp4e #eis #TEW #pnpde #ttrpg
Session 4 of our #WarhammerFantasyRPG campaign #EnemyWithin I: #EnemyInShadows will start in less than two hours - and as the gm I should probably start reviewing what is actually going to happen tonight...
The group is still on their way to the imperial capital Altdorf. Let's see how many more coaching inns and traffic accidents we can fit in before the group reaches the white walls.
#warhammerfantasyrpg #enemywithin #enemyinshadows #wfrp4e #eis #TEW #pnpde #ttrpg #foundryvtt
Ups, nochmal mit richtigem Link (statt auf den localhost :p)...
#EnemyWithin I: #EnemyInShadows
Session 1: Der Kutschhof
Nach aufregendem Prolog ein schöner wenngleich unspektakulärer Auftakt ins echte Spiel:
#warhammerfantasyrpg #enemywithin #enemyinshadows #wfrp4e #TEW #eis #pnpde #ttrpg
#EnemyWithin I: #EnemyInShadows
Session 1: Der Kutschhof
Nach aufregendem Prolog ein schöner wenngleich unspektakulärer Auftakt ins echte Spiel:
#warhammerfantasyrpg #enemywithin #enemyinshadows #wfrp4e #TEW #eis #pnpde #ttrpg
Mini-Spielberichte zu unserer gerade begonnenen #EnemyInShadows Runde in #WarhammerFantasyRPG (da hat mich u.a. @AetherEgo drauf gebracht). Vorerst kurze Charaktervorstellung und der auf den einzelnen Hintergrundgeschichten der Spielercharaktere aufbauende gemeinsame Prolog zu Beginn der ersten Session.
Berichte zu den ersten drei Sessions reiche ich nach und ab dann künftig hoffentlich regelmäßig:
#enemyinshadows #warhammerfantasyrpg #wfrp4e #eis #enemywithin #TEW #warhammer #pnpde #ttrpg
Has anyone played Cubicle 7’s new version of the Enemy Within for Warhammer Fantasy RPG? If I have the original, is it worth getting? I’ve been curious, but don’t know if I should invest it.
The classic campaign is what taught me how to game master originally.
#TTRPG #WarhammerFantasyRpg #WarhammerFantasy4e #EnemyWithin
#ttrpg #warhammerfantasyrpg #WarhammerFantasy4e #enemywithin
@WAIR_Podcast and here is part two of that scenario https://www.wairpodcast.com/episodes/whfrpt2 #warhammer #warhammerfantasyrpg #warhammercommunity #horror #fantasy #ttrpg
#ttrpg #fantasy #horror #WarhammerCommunity #warhammerfantasyrpg #warhammer
A bit of a throw back now with this #selfpromotion of my time as guest GM on @WAIR_Podcast when I ran #warhammerfantasyrpg #warhammer #ttrpg #horror #fantasy https://www.wairpodcast.com/episodes/whfrpt1
#fantasy #horror #ttrpg #warhammer #warhammerfantasyrpg #selfpromotion
More #selfpromotion - this time another great book to work on, with #warhammer legend @GraemeDavis - the 4th part of the #warhammerfantasyrpg Enemy Within campaign for 4th edition, The Horned Rat. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/303933/WFRP-The-Horned-Rat--Enemy-Within-Campaign-Directors-Cut-Volume-4
#warhammerfantasyrpg #warhammer #selfpromotion
We are a #podcast. 13 years of reviewing #horror #RPGs, focusing on #vampirethemasquerade #worldofdarkness and #CHRONICLESOFDARKNESS
We have hosts based in 3 continents, bringing you reviews, interviews, advice and more.
We also are home to Darkhammer - A World's of Warhammer Rpg podcast. We bring you advice and ideas for your games of #warhammer40k #wrathandglory #warhammerfantasyrpg and #ageofsigmar #soulbound
We also publish community content material on The Storytellers Vault.
#podcast #horror #rpgs #VampireTheMasquerade #worldofdarkness #ChroniclesOfDarkness #warhammer40k #wrathandglory #warhammerfantasyrpg #ageofsigmar #Soulbound