carolpeters · @carolpeters
4 followers · 64 posts · Server

no excuse for or any other arms

#clusterbombs #ukraine #usa #warhawks

Last updated 1 year ago

Things and may struggle with…

It is not controversial to say that we cannot afford 80M . We should be wanted. Likewise, we should not be making bombs with the cynical intent of using them, incl. to reduce and create .

No matter *how* much the of any country demand "more people".

#warhawks #theologians #unwantedBirths #population #refugees #corporateState #rightToChoose #resist #refugeeProducers #usa #israel #uk #germany #france #australia #morepeople #militarism #war #EnoughIsEnough #NoMoreWar

Last updated 2 years ago

Orange · @orange555
49 followers · 997 posts · Server

@sushubh Not something the USA will be pleased to hear.

#warhawks #usa #nato

Last updated 2 years ago

The whole anti thing needs to be looked at with some nuance.

a) They don't really have teeth, the people we put there just try to reach good faith agreements.
b) the people who go on about how bad the UN are, we've often seen are , or defend , they also tend to despise ,
c) people elected to the UN are chosen by people who we democratically elect. Have a problem with the UN, look at the quality of (see other video)

#un #warhawks #militarism #julianassange #democracy

Last updated 4 years ago

Not only have we reached PeakOil but PeakCivilisation.

Thanks to , we have people so disconnected from reality that theyll believe anything.

There's a saying, "The bigger the lie, the more they will believe it."

By pandering to preconcieved notions, they've been able to destroy countless lives. It's without doubt the greatest threat to humanity. Second only to the and , who put us cattle on these to be .

#bigtech #growthAddicted #warhawks #jeffreyEpsteinClass #platforms #sacrificed

Last updated 4 years ago

Email tends to be pretty easy, and widely useable… unless yes, you use . Haha.

Those damn meddling with everyone.

If the user always has a PC on then they could host their own email server over Tor/I2P. Then they enjoy the benefit of no retension by govts. The gloat about killing people based on metadata. However that breaks your "while offline" idea, we suppose?

#protonmail #swiss #metadata #warhawks

Last updated 4 years ago

But over the last 100 years of (effective) for the well-connected, the have funded forever wars.

Would you trust the MICIMAT to print money for wars? That's really the zero sum of it. Govt need to be so they , and lead with and , not .

In a world, govts can't just print cash. Only the will fund the wars. Thus they will lose support from (who are the vast majority).


#moneyPrinting #MICIMAT #limited #serve #morals #fairtrade #might #hardCurrency #warhawks #mercentilists

Last updated 4 years ago