“The war in Iraq” and the triumph of sarcasm: Toni Morrison’s “God Help the Child” in the mid-oughts in the United States. #111Words #ToniMorrison #GodHelpTheChild #BookerStarbern #WarInIraq #Cellphones #Sarcasm #Irony https://andrewjshields.blogspot.com/2023/05/the-war-in-iraq-and-triumph-of-sarcasm.html
#irony #sarcasm #cellphones #wariniraq #bookerstarbern #godhelpthechild #tonimorrison #111words
[This is the final in a four-part #series on the #AntiWar #movement of 2003 & the role of #labour . The previous article looked at the #lessons around #AntiImperialism and #AntiOppression & this article looks at lessons around #MassAction & labour #strategy .The mass anti-war movement stopped the #Canadian government from going to #WarInIraq in 2003 & trained a new generation of #activists in the process.]
#series #antiwar #movement #labour #lessons #antiimperialism #antioppression #massaction #strategy #canadian #wariniraq #activists #springmag #activism #decolonization #injustice #grassroots
'#Media #support for this #war must #NeverBeForgotten . Those who wrote in support of it should, at the very least, feel #shame for the rest of their lives. Instead, many of these voices continue on in the #industry proudly #declaring their support for the next proposed war or #regime change operation against the ‘#evil #dictator ’ of the day.
#WarInIraq #History #MediaResponsibility #accountability #hypocrisy #Irresponsible #Journalism #Harmful #MediaManipulation
#media #support #war #neverbeforgotten #shame #industry #declaring #regime #evil #dictator #wariniraq #history #mediaresponsibility #accountability #hypocrisy #irresponsible #journalism #harmful #mediamanipulation