#MyLittleBigBuddy and I are taking the #PrideOrange #WarMachine out on #AnotherAdventure in #TheOutside #Today...
Once we've #Finished our #BaconSammidges...
At the #Risk of being #TooMysterious... We're #SoExcited; there's going to be #EggCups...
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🥚🦹🥤🦄🥤🦹🥚
#mylittlebigbuddy #prideorange #warmachine #anotheradventure #theoutside #today #finished #baconsammidges #risk #toomysterious #soexcited #eggcups
#ThereAreDays when #IMiss #MyOldJag...
I have the #PrideOrange #WarMachine... #Now... #ForNow...
#MyLittleBigBuddy likes #IT a #Lot...! #VroomVRoom...!
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | ☕🎠🦹🦄 🦹🎠☕
#therearedays #imiss #myoldjag #prideorange #warmachine #now #fornow #mylittlebigbuddy #it #lot #vroomvroom
who profits from this is who pays to silence it.
#yemen #humanitariancrisis #famine #millions #starvation #armsdeal #saudi #un #usa #warmachine #racism
#yemen #humanitariancrisis #famine #millions #starvation #armsdeal #saudi #un #usa #warmachine #racism
Looks great!
#warmachine #IronKingdoms #PaintingMiniatures
#warmachine #ironkingdoms #paintingminiatures
AI automated human slaughter: the new killer profit
#lostmorality #militaryAI #ethicalwarfare #machinekillers #capitalism #bloodmoney #profit #ethics #AI #warfare #warmachine
#lostmorality #militaryai #ethicalwarfare #machinekillers #capitalism #bloodmoney #profit #ethics #ai #warfare #warmachine
Digging into my first #Warmachine novel. I really like Dave Gross’ Varian & Radovan #Pathfinder novels, and so far I’m liking this one. Dialogue’s a little cheesy though.
Gizmodo: Secret Invasion's Plot Craters, But Leaves Little Impact https://gizmodo.com/secret-invasion-episode-5-recap-review-samuel-jackson-1850655014 #betosamueladewunmi #charlaynewoodard #kingsleybenadir #talostheuntamed #secretinvasion #sonyafalsworth #dermotmulroney #samuelljackson #benmendelsohn #draftpromises #resurrection #oliviacolman #emiliaclarke #ritsonsaved #worldwariii #jamesrhodes #briantucker #michaelbhim #rosadalton #omarlittle #warmachine #mariahill #priscilla #nickfury #killian
#betosamueladewunmi #charlaynewoodard #kingsleybenadir #talostheuntamed #secretinvasion #sonyafalsworth #dermotmulroney #samuelljackson #benmendelsohn #draftpromises #resurrection #oliviacolman #emiliaclarke #ritsonsaved #worldwariii #jamesrhodes #briantucker #michaelbhim #rosadalton #omarlittle #warmachine #mariahill #priscilla #nickfury #killian
Cluster Bombs and Biden's Wider War . . . a Green & Red Commentary
Bob here discusses Biden's decision to use cluster bombs--a war crime--in Ukraine. Cluster bombs were widely used in Laos by the U.S. and 80 million didn't explode, and caused thousands of deaths since the war ended. Despite billions of dollars sent to Ukraine and massive casualties, the war is a bloodbath and stalemate and the U.S. continues to escalate and reject talks.
#bloodmoney #warmachine #killerprofits #genocide #crimesagainsthumanity #classwar #Ukraine #bloodbath
#bloodmoney #warmachine #killerprofits #genocide #crimesagainsthumanity #classwar #ukraine #bloodbath
Gizmodo: Secret Invasion Finally Picks Up Speed, But Loses Any Subtlety https://gizmodo.com/secret-invasion-episod-4-recap-nick-fury-talos-death-1850631453 #priscillacharlaynewoodard #kingsleybenadir #talostheuntamed #secretinvasion #samuelljackson #benmendelsohn #raymondcarver #draftpromises #killianscott #resurrection #emiliaclarke #skrullrhodey #jamesrhodes #briantucker #warmachine #doncheadle #mariahill #nickfury #aliselim #gravik #skrull #rhodes #disney #ritson #talos #nick
#priscillacharlaynewoodard #kingsleybenadir #talostheuntamed #secretinvasion #samuelljackson #benmendelsohn #raymondcarver #draftpromises #killianscott #resurrection #emiliaclarke #skrullrhodey #jamesrhodes #briantucker #warmachine #doncheadle #mariahill #nickfury #aliselim #gravik #skrull #rhodes #disney #ritson #talos #nick
Okay... so re-watching #Endgame...and who the HELL is #RocketRaccoon sitting on the shoulder of? Is that #WarMachine? I didn't see him before! (Giant-Ant-Man carried Hulk, Rocket Raccoon and some metal guy/gal)
#endgame #rocketraccoon #warmachine
“Watch this they call it the Ex-Wife!”
“Hammer Tech?”
All shot using miniatures had to digitally add glowing eyes and chestplate pieces the rest is all real
#ironman2 #warmachine #marvelcomic #toyphotography #toyart #hasbro #marvellegends #acba #actionfigurephotography #actionfigures #photographicart #photo
#ironman2 #warmachine #marvelcomic #toyphotography #toyart #hasbro #MarvelLegends #acba #actionfigurephotography #actionfigures #photographicart #photo
Finished another #inq28 mini. No idea who or what she is, nor what retinue she belongs to yet — vaguely some kind of combat servitor or arco-flagellant.
The entire build was inspired by a #Warmachine mini I found in my local hobby shop's used mini grab box. Only the torso is from the original mini, with various #AdeptusMechanicus bits glued on.
Painted in my interpretation of the #ZornPalette using #ArmyPainter paints.
#inq28 #warmachine #adeptusMechanicus #zornpalette #ArmyPainter #warhammer #warhammercommunity #miniaturepainting
#Politics #BigGovernment #Government #DeepState #Feds #FBI #Entrapment #Conspiracy #Corruption #WorldEconomicForum #WEF #WorldGoverment #BlackRock #LarryFlink #ESG #NWO #NewWorldOrder #PopulationControl #War #WarMachine #Warmonger #Warmongers #Republican #Republicans #Democrat #Democrats #Congress #America #American #Americans #Pollution #WaterPollution #Water #YellowStone #Montana #HereWeGoAgain
#herewegoagain #montana #yellowstone #water #waterpollution #pollution #americans #american #america #congress #democrats #democrat #republicans #republican #warmongers #warmonger #warmachine #war #populationcontrol #newworldorder #nwo #esg #LarryFlink #blackrock #WorldGoverment #wef #worldeconomicforum #corruption #conspiracy #entrapment #fbi #feds #deepstate #government #biggovernment #politics #amusing #funny #random #meme
#Politics #BigGovernment #Government #DeepState #Feds #FBI #Entrapment #Conspiracy #Corruption #WorldEconomicForum #WEF #WorldGoverment #BlackRock #LarryFlink #ESG #NWO #NewWorldOrder #PopulationControl #War #WarMachine #Warmonger #Warmongers #Republican #Republicans #Democrat #Democrats #Congress #America #American #Americans #Pollution #WaterPollution #Water #YellowStone #Montana #HereWeGoAgain
#herewegoagain #montana #yellowstone #water #waterpollution #pollution #americans #american #america #congress #democrats #democrat #republicans #republican #warmongers #warmonger #warmachine #war #populationcontrol #newworldorder #nwo #esg #LarryFlink #blackrock #WorldGoverment #wef #worldeconomicforum #corruption #conspiracy #entrapment #fbi #feds #deepstate #government #biggovernment #politics #amusing #funny #random #meme
#Politics #BigGovernment #Government #DeepState #Feds #FBI #Entrapment #Conspiracy #Corruption #WorldEconomicForum #WEF #WorldGoverment #BlackRock #LarryFlink #ESG #NWO #NewWorldOrder #PopulationControl #War #WarMachine #Warmonger #Warmongers #Republican #Republicans #Democrat #Democrats #Congress #America #American #Americans #Ukraine
#ukraine #americans #american #america #congress #democrats #democrat #republicans #republican #warmongers #warmonger #warmachine #war #populationcontrol #newworldorder #nwo #esg #LarryFlink #blackrock #WorldGoverment #wef #worldeconomicforum #corruption #conspiracy #entrapment #fbi #feds #deepstate #government #biggovernment #politics #amusing #funny #random #meme
Love Unlimited: Captain Marvel & War Machine is out now on Marvel Unlimited #comics #comicbooks #marvel #captainmarvel #warmachine
#comics #comicbooks #Marvel #captainmarvel #warmachine
IRS raids gun store, confiscates list of customers
#Politics #BigGovernment #Government #DeepState #Feds #FBI #Entrapment #Conspiracy #Corruption #WorldEconomicForum #WEF #WorldGoverment #BlackRock #LarryFlink #ESG #NWO #NewWorldOrder #PopulationControl #War #WarMachine #Warmonger #Warmongers #Republican #Republicans #Democrat #Democrats #Congress #America #American #Americans #Gun #Guns #GunControl #2A #SecondAmendment #GunRights
#gunrights #secondamendment #2a #guncontrol #guns #gun #americans #american #america #congress #democrats #democrat #republicans #republican #warmongers #warmonger #warmachine #war #populationcontrol #newworldorder #nwo #esg #LarryFlink #blackrock #WorldGoverment #wef #worldeconomicforum #corruption #conspiracy #entrapment #fbi #feds #deepstate #government #biggovernment #politics
#Politics #BigGovernment #Government #DeepState #Feds #FBI #Entrapment #Conspiracy #Corruption #WorldEconomicForum #WEF #UN #UnitedNations #EU #WorldGoverment #Gattaca #Eugenics #BlackRock #LarryFlink #ESG #NWO #NewWorldOrder #Cult #Cultist #Cultists #DeathCult #Culling #PopulationControl #War #WarMachine #Warmonger #Warmongers #Republican #Republicans #Democrat #Democrats #Congress #America #American #Americans
#americans #american #america #congress #democrats #democrat #republicans #republican #warmongers #warmonger #warmachine #war #populationcontrol #culling #deathcult #Cultists #cultist #cult #newworldorder #nwo #esg #LarryFlink #blackrock #eugenics #gattaca #WorldGoverment #eu #unitednations #un #wef #worldeconomicforum #corruption #conspiracy #entrapment #fbi #feds #deepstate #government #biggovernment #politics