Finished my first two knights and the 2nd galloper gun. #warmaster10mm #dogsofwar #brettonian
#warmaster10mm #dogsofwar #brettonian
Bit more work on some tiny knights, also finished one of my galloper guns.
Started on my teeny cannons for my Warmaster 10mm Dogs of War army.
#dogsofwar #warmaster10mm
Some better photos of my Warmaster scale Dogs of War from MGS miniature shop (Etsy) been playing around with some Dragon Rampant rules as well. #warmaster #warmaster10mm #dogsofwar
#warmaster #warmaster10mm #dogsofwar
Finished this fine lady to replace one I already did for my Dogs of War force. That one arrived with a snapped sword. #warmaster10mm #dogsofwar
Another reenactment from the War of the Beard as the Dwarves push back the Elven forces on #hobbystreak day 83. #warmaster10mm #warmongers #warhammerfantasy
#hobbystreak #warmaster10mm #warmongers #warhammerfantasy
Another reenactment from the War of the Beard as the Dwarves push back the Elven forces on #hobbystreak day 83. #warmaster10mm #warmongers #warhammerfantasy
#hobbystreak #warmaster10mm #warmongers #warhammerfantasy