Housing associations ask ministers to reopen £400 energy bill support scheme | Housing | The Guardian
#has #EnergyBillSupportScheme #energybills #warmhomediscount #ThoseWhoPayLandlordsForEnergyBills
I spoke to the DWP today, for someone who was previously entitled to the #WarmHomeDiscount. They relied on the money each year to help ensure they didn't get into debt with bills & weren't quite so scared to heat their home or use electricity! Now thanks to GOV changes they don't qualify as their home is FIVEsqm TOO SMALL to be eligible, so now not only have they to cover price rises (on disability) they've lost help that made a difference & are scared to use even the basics! #CostOfLivingCrisis
#warmhomediscount #Costoflivingcrisis
Make the Warm Home Discount Scheme Accessible Again to the Most Vulnerable
It is impossible to meet the new criteria especially in light that so many were forced to down size as a result of the bedroom tax.
Please sign, share & boost, thank you
#warmhomediscount #WHD #Costoflivingcrisis #ToryCostOfGreedCrisis #costofGREEDcrisis #disabled #disability
‘Make the Warm Home Discount Scheme Accessible Again to the Most Vulnerable’
New criteria for #WarmHomeDiscount means it’s almost impossible for anyone to get support if not in the pension guarantee.
Please sign the petition:
#warmhomediscount #Costoflivingcrisis #WHD
“You probably aren’t eligible for the Warm Home Discount”
#costofgreedcrisis #costoflivingcrisis #ToryCostOfGreedCrisis #warmhomediscount #whd #disabled #vulnerable
#costofGREEDcrisis #Costoflivingcrisis #ToryCostOfGreedCrisis #warmhomediscount #WHD #disabled #vulnerable
I’ve started a petition on the government website about the Warm Home Discount’s impossible new criteria that denies support for the most vulnerable and disabled this year.
I need 5 supporters to get it live:
Click this link to sign the petition: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/628877/sponsors/new?token=N6SW60E34zG6J1Iz7Gl0
#warmhomediscount #disabled #disability #WHD #energycrsis #energy #costofgreedcrisis #costoflivingcrisis
#warmhomediscount #disabled #disability #WHD #energycrsis #energy #costofGREEDcrisis #Costoflivingcrisis
The warm home discount is now only for those in the pension guarantee. The goal posts have been moved so far out of reach for the people it was meant for many millions of vulnerable & disabled will be literally left out in the cold this winter. Read my blog: https://at.tumblr.com/tofu-eating-wokeratii/this-is-now-the-reality-for-disabled-and/ae54tjbg7k1a
#warmhomediscount #disabled #vulnerable #chronicconditions #ehlersdanlossyndrome #pensionguarantee #whd2022 #WHD #winteriscoming #leftoutinthecold #meanstolive
#warmhomediscount #disabled #vulnerable #chronicconditions #ehlersdanlossyndrome #pensionguarantee #whd2022 #WHD #winterIsComing #leftoutinthecold #meanstolive
RT @CosyKingdom@twitter.com
E Energy Supply has opened applications for the Warm Home Discount for customers living in Scotland.
If eligible you can receive £150 towards your winter energy costs.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CosyKingdom/status/1594663964134309889
RT @CosyKingdom@twitter.com
Bulb has opened applications for the Warm Home Discount for customers living in Scotland.
If eligible you can receive £150 towards your winter energy costs.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CosyKingdom/status/1594663711641579520