Vakaris (soukyan) Blackwood · @soukyan
16 followers · 42 posts · Server

Iorveth, just sleeping on a peony, no troubles, no battles.
Was a little bit disappointed Witcher games dug up every human dude from all the games, but once you said your goodbyes to the elves, that was the last you saw them. Got Siegfried and Thaler and Leto and Roche available in TW3, and not a dang one scoia'tael. Why not Yaevinn if we killed Siegfrid? Okay, thanks for listening, rant over.
I'm just a few euros short from being able to cash out (and it would really help right now), if anyone wants this sweet little postcard or a sticker:

#iorveth #iorweth #thewitcher #thewitchersaga #thewitcheruniverse #tw2 #thewitcher2 #thewitcher2assassinsofkings #elf #scoiatael #watercolor #warmimage

Last updated 2 years ago