RT @EndFuelPoverty
Join a nationwide moment to demand that we are #WarmThisWinter 📢
On April 1st we are holding a mass lobby to hold the UK government to account, and we need YOU! 💪
Download the @ThisWinterUK Action Guide for info about getting involved! 🔗 https://www.warmthiswinter.org.uk/mass-lobby
RT @FuelPovEvidence
It’s happening tomorrow!! Come along to add your voice to the #fuelpoverty debate. The panel will be taking questions and looking at what April’s policy changes mean for the next year in light of real evidence from this last winter #springbudget #reallives #WarmThisWinter #energy https://twitter.com/fuelpovevidence/status/1639224987159793665
#fuelpoverty #springbudget #reallives #warmthiswinter #energy
RT @EndFuelPoverty
Take part in the @ThisWinterUK mass lobby of MPs on April 1st! 📆
Join others all around the country to demand the UK government take immediate action to help keep people warm this, and every, winter ✊
Find out more 🔗https://www.warmthiswinter.org.uk/mass-lobby
It’s happening tomorrow!! Come along to add your voice to the #fuelpoverty debate. The panel will be taking questions and looking at what April’s policy changes mean for the next year in light of real evidence from this last winter #springbudget #reallives #WarmThisWinter #energy
RT @FuelPovEvidence
Interested in #fuelpoverty & #energyjustice? Want to know what #springbudget means for everyone struggling to heat their homes? An…
#fuelpoverty #springbudget #reallives #warmthiswinter #Energy #energyjustice
RT @ThisWinterUK
Over 415,000 people signed the #WarmThisWinter petition and today it was delivered to 10 Downing Street 📦
Nearly 1 in 4 households will be plunged into fuel poverty this April unless action happens now ✊
A report in the Guardian reveals the extent of charities' concerns as people struggle to keep themselves #WarmThisWinter. https://bit.ly/3hg6sos
A report in the Guardian reveals the extent of charities' concerns as people struggle to keep themselves #WarmThisWinter. https://bit.ly/3hg6sos
There's a debate in #parliament tomorrow about the cost of living and fossil fuels, chaired by Caroline Lucas.
I've just tweeted my MP asking them to attend Wednesday's debate on #FossilFuels & increases in the #CostOfLiving. Will you join me and do the same?
💷Soaring energy bills
📈7m in fuel poverty
🏗️Taxpayer-subsidised oil fields
#warmthiswinter #costofliving #fossilfuels #parliament
A report in the Guardian reveals the extent of charities' concerns as people struggle to keep themselves #WarmThisWinter. https://bit.ly/3hg6sos
Gas prices are predicted to stay high for at least 3 years, which means today’s sky-high energy bills are not a ‘one off’.
We can’t go cold this winter, let alone the next one.
Join me & call on the govt to keep people #WarmThisWinter?
RT @oscarhero1801@twitter.com
Gas prices are predicted to stay high for at least 3 years, which means today’s sky-high energy bills are not a ‘one off’.
We can’t go cold this winter, let alone the next one.
Join me & call on the govt to keep people #WarmThisWinter?
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/oscarhero1801/status/1609815680907415552
A report in the Guardian reveals the extent of charities' concerns as people struggle to keep themselves #WarmThisWinter. https://bit.ly/3hg6sos
A report in the Guardian reveals the extent of charities' concerns as people struggle to keep themselves #WarmThisWinter. https://bit.ly/3hg6sos
#WarmThisWinter #renewableenergy #woodburner #ukraine Feeling lucky on a day that won't get above freezing. Pellet furnace nice and full. Thinking of those in Ukraine and anywhere that can't be warm today.
#warmthiswinter #renewableenergy #woodburner #ukraine
Right now soaring energy bills mean that millions of people will be forced to choose between heating and eating. Sign the petition calling on the government to ensure everyone can stay #WarmThisWinter and fix our broken energy system for good. https://act.350.org/sign/warm-this-winter-petition-ads-uk?akid=s2273660..5bKinw
If you’re in #London today, pop down to Westminster at 12 to support @NPCUK and their protest against #fuelpoverty this winter.
RT @EndFuelPoverty
↗️ #Energybills rising.
🥶 Temperatures falling.
🏘️ Millions already living in cold damp homes.
🏥 Many at risk of declining #health in these conditions. And worse.
Join @NPCUK to #protest in #Westminster.
🗓️ Thu 8 Dec, 12 noon, George V Statue, Old Palace Yard.
#london #fuelpoverty #energybills #health #protest #westminster #warmthiswinter
RT @EndFuelPoverty
↗️ #Energybills rising.
🥶 Temperatures falling.
🏘️ Millions already living in cold damp homes.
🏥 Many at risk of declining #health in these conditions. And worse.
Join @NPCUK to #protest in #Westminster.
🗓️ Thu 8 Dec, 12 noon, George V Statue, Old Palace Yard.
#energybills #health #protest #westminster #warmthiswinter
National Day of Action on #FuelPoverty to be held on Saturday 3rd December 2022 | Groups and communities to come together to stage #WarmThisWinter events across the country.
RT @newsfromrooftop
Join the national rally to demand an end to fuel poverty | Saturday 3 December 2022 will see thousands gather across UK calling for urgent action on energy and cost of living crisis. @ThisWinterUK @EndFuelPoverty #WarmThisWinter #FuelPoverty https://bit.ly/3GidWBc