Pwn Toney 🎹🎤 · @pwn_toney
206 followers · 136 posts · Server

The double EP, consisted of two themes: and .

Future Wars made use of modern synthesizers (read: future sounds) to create a digital landscape for warfare.

Past Wars made use of traditional classical instruments to fill the battlefield with sounds of wars long forgotten.

The have released more since then, but this was the start of it all.

#warmusic #futurewars #pastwars #preytorians #blackmastodon #blackmusic #musiciansofmastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Pwn Toney 🎹🎤 · @pwn_toney
205 followers · 134 posts · Server

On this , I thought I would share the project I'm most proud of to date...


Shortly after America proved it was willing to put a racist narcissist in the highest position of power, I took that anger and channelled it into what would become a trio of taking the emotion of war and using it to inspire others to overcome their obstacles.

...and a double EP entitled :

#blackmastodon #blackmusic #musiciansofmastodon #blackfriday #blackmen #warmusic

Last updated 2 years ago