WarmWorld meets again! #MPIM_Scientists and their collaborators from across Germany are gathering this week to make our global storm resolving climate model #ICON even better!
Better at what I hear you ask? We have 4 key focuses: land-atmosphere interactions, turbulence, cloud microphysics and particles. Find out more on the #WarmWorld website: https://warmworld.de/
#mpim_scientists #icon #warmworld
Summit Statement from the “Berlin Summit for EVE”: an impassioned call for international cooperation to advance science and technology so that “Everyone knows how #climate and #ClimateChange affect them, and where this knowledge empowers them to act”.
It succinctly outlines how inadequacies and injustices in how climate information is developed and shared is leaving lives and livelihoods unnecessarily vulnerable to climate change: https://mpimet.mpg.de/en/communication/news/berlin-summit-for-eve-summit-statement #Eve4Climate #WarmWorld
#climate #climatechange #eve4climate #warmworld
Some days are exceptional. For us, it´s this whole week:
Together with many partners, the #WarmWorld project organized "The Berlin Summit", bringing together invited participants from across the world to draft a blueprint for EVE, envisioned as an international digital infrastructure that exploits the latest advances in #HPC and #AI to establish and maintain a global climate prediction and information system across regional partners or nodes. https://mpimet.mpg.de/en/communication/focus
#warmworld #hpc #ai #eve4climate
Mit dem vom @bmbf_bund geförderten Projekt #WarmWorld hoffen wir, die neuen Möglichkeiten des Hochleistungsrechnens effizient ausnutzen zu können. Bjorn Stevens: "Das Klimamodell soll schneller, besser und einfacher zu betreiben sein – und das unabhängig von der Recheninfrastruktur. Ziel ist es, globale ozeanische und atmosphärische gekoppelte Zirkulationssysteme auf Kilometerskalen aufzulösen."
➡️ Ganzes Interview: https://www.fona.de/de/aktuelles/nachrichten/2023/20230628_WarmWorld_Interview_Stevens.php
➡️ Projekt-Website WarmWorld:
🧵 1/3 Many of our scientists would not be where they are today if there were not people like Karl-Hermann "Kalle" Wieners at the MPI-M:
That's why he's in the spotlight today:
Kalle [ˈkalə] develops scientific software for the institute's various climate models. He contributes to projects like #nextGEMS, #WarmWorld and #DestinE and is one of the go-to persons for ICON, MPI-ESM, or CMIP6 issues. His main focus are tools for work flow and result control, as well as data flow and data management.