#WaroftheRing is my favourite game of all time. But the question is, can cards alone capture the magic? Find out in the Esoteric Order of Gamers #WaroftheRingTheCardGame review.
#warofthering #waroftheringthecardgame
Pulling out the big guns now, #WarOfTheRing.
#warofthering #boardgames #dicetowereast
A new episode of the War of the Ring (2003) playthrough is up on the YouTube channel! (@carthannasvt)
Copy/Paste: https://youtu.be/a_ySLJxOVMU
In this final episode, we take on powerful enemies to defeat evil once and for all!
#vtuber #gaming #lotr #warofthering #tolkien #rts #strategy #retrogaming #2000s #gimli #orc #magic #sword #fantasy #realtimestrategy #middleearth #lordoftherings #game #legolas #aragorn #gandalf #frodo #ranger #horse #mordor #nazgul #balrog
#vtuber #gaming #lotr #warofthering #tolkien #rts #strategy #retrogaming #2000s #gimli #orc #magic #sword #fantasy #RealTimeStrategy #middleearth #lordoftherings #game #legolas #aragorn #gandalf #frodo #ranger #horse #mordor #nazgul #balrog
A new episode of the War of the Ring (2003) playthrough is up on the YouTube channel! (@carthannasvt)
In this episode, we take the fight to the bad guys!
#vtuber #gaming #lotr #warofthering #tolkien #rts #strategy #retrogaming #2000s #gimli #orc #magic #sword #fantasy #realtimestrategy #middleearth #lordoftherings #game #legolas #aragorn #gandalf #frodo #ranger #horse #siege #mordor #nazgul
#vtuber #gaming #lotr #warofthering #tolkien #rts #strategy #retrogaming #2000s #gimli #orc #magic #sword #fantasy #RealTimeStrategy #middleearth #lordoftherings #game #legolas #aragorn #gandalf #frodo #ranger #horse #siege #mordor #nazgul
A new episode of the War of the Ring (2003) playthrough is up on the YouTube channel! (@carthannasvt)
In this episode, we finally get to the battle of Helm's Deep!
#vtuber #gaming #lotr #warofthering #tolkien #rts #strategy #retrogaming #2000s #gimli #orc #magic #sword #fantasy #realtimestrategy #middleearth #lordoftherings #game #legolas #aragorn #gandalf #frodo #ranger #horse #siege #helmsdeep
#vtuber #gaming #lotr #warofthering #tolkien #rts #strategy #retrogaming #2000s #gimli #orc #magic #sword #fantasy #RealTimeStrategy #middleearth #lordoftherings #game #legolas #aragorn #gandalf #frodo #ranger #horse #siege #helmsdeep
Fixed the layout a bit for v1.1 of my #WaroftheRing The Card Game rules & reference.
Battle for the fate of Middle-earth in the #WaroftheRing Card Game by Ares Games. Here's the Esoteric Order of Gamers rules & reference, and they'll be a review in the near future!
Plan for the day: 4 player Scythe (digital) and War of the Ring on the table. #Scythe #WarOfTheRing #BoardGames
#scythe #warofthering #boardgames
The 2nd part of our #WarOfTheRing game took a sudden turn for the worse for the Shadow - I had terrible luck on the dice!
- Dol Amroth falls to the corsairs. (2 VP!)
- The Southron army moves from Osgiliath to besiege Minas Tirith.
- The Gondor army in Pelargir moves into Lossarnach.
- The Shadow army besieging MT attacks the army in Lossarnach but takes some casualties & cease the attack.
- The Witch King appears in North Ithilien at the head of an army of Easterners & Mordor Orcs.
- Free Peoples play the "Help Unasked For" card & drive the besiegers back to Osgiliath.
- The Witch King's army reinforces the survivors in Osgiliath & descends on MT, the defenders choose to fight a field battle. A combination of good luck & amazing cards for FP & awful luck for the Shadow means that the Witch King's army is annihilated & he dies (permanently) along with two Nazgul! Huge setback for the Shadow!
- Gandalf the White appears.
- Saruman's army besieges Helm's Deep! Rohirrim move out from Edoras into Westemnet. Saruman's army attack them from Helm's Deep, forcing them to retreat to Fangorn.
- The Elf army (+ Legolas) moves out of Lorien towards Fangorn, leaving it undefended. Orcs leave Moria & Dol Guldur to claim Lorien. (2 VP!).
- Ents attack Isengard (event), which only has Saruman in it (I left it unguarded, not knowing there was an Ents Attack card)! Orthanc falls & Saruman is removed from play - another huge setback for the Shadow!
- After that, the Free People are just mopping up. The remaining Shadow army in Parth Celebrant are wiped out by the elf army in Fangorn & the Rohirrim wipe out the Shadow army attacking Helm's Deep - that's where we had to end.
The Fellowship barely moved (they got up to 4 on the track) & were never revealed!
Technically the Shadow won with 4 VP (we still had Dol Amrath & Lorien) but we lost the Witch King & Saruman. The FP could probably turn the tide if we had been able to continue the game. Still, it was a lot of fun! #boardgames
Finally we've started to play #WarOfTheRing! We got through about 4-5 turns but so far it's pretty fun and starting to make sense!
1 - Southron armies immediately threaten Gondor! (they later forced the defenders to retreat from Osgiliath and are currently occupying it!)
2 - The Fellowship immediately split as Legolas, Boromir and Gimli headed for Mirkwood, and then Legolas went to Lorien to muster an army. The Shadow was building up forces in Dol Guldur and sought to destroy the Elven army, and thus began the Battle of South Anduin Vale, the first of the War! The fight was bloody but inconclusive however, with both sides retreating back to their strongholds to lick their wounds.
3 - Following the battle of South Anduin Vale, Corsairs from Umbar landed on the coast of Gondor and beseiged Dol Amroth! Meanwhile a new power rises in Orthanc, and Saruman's Uruk-Hai force the defenders of the Fords of Isen to retreat to Helm's Deep! Meanwhile, the Fellowship has remained hidden and their whereabouts are unknown since they left Rivendell (they were almost revealed but Gandalf deflected Sauron's gaze!)
We had the (complete) Two Towers and Return of the King OSTs on in the background so it was all very atmospheric :). It seems like a very fun game so far and certainly on point in terms of theme! We'll carry on next week :)
The road goes ever on and on…
But this is an entry in this crowded #boardgames franchise I am eager to try out. Quartermaster General meets LOTR.
Yesterday was the epic 2-player game War of The Ring, today was the card game variant (with two players playing two handed) (both times playing against my 9 yo). I do like both games, but the card game, which still retains the thematic feel, edges it by being quicker to setup and play. They both have a tight decision space where everything is a compromise. #BoardGames #WarOfTheRing #WarOfTheRingCardGame
#boardgames #warofthering #waroftheringcardgame
Trying out this beauty.
#warofthering #lotr #boardgames
#warofthering #lotr #boardgames
Email notifications on the same day that my pre-orders for War of The Ring Card Card and Mash Gang's Anxiety Saint low-alcohol coffee stout are shipping soon. Just need Final Girl for the hat trick! #BoardGames #FinalGirl #WarOfTheRing #AF #AFBeer
#boardgames #finalgirl #warofthering #Af #afbeer
So nachdem mein privatleben im sommer auf den kopf gestellt wurde und auch jetzt teilweise nich ist meld ich mich endlich mal aus der Funkstille zurück ;) wobei ich noch nicht genau weiss ob ichs dchaff dranzubleiben ;) https://brettspielrat.de/bastelprojektwar-of-the-ring-insert/
#Brettspiele #Brettspiel #spielen #Spieleabend #brettspielen #basteln #boardgames #spiele #blog #blogpost
#warofthering #derringkrieg #hdr #lordoftherings
#brettspiele #Brettspiel #spielen #spieleabend #Brettspielen #basteln #boardgames #spiele #blog #blogpost #warofthering #derringkrieg #hdr #lordoftherings