“Political #propaganda uses the language of virtuous ideals to unite people behind otherwise objectionable ideals.”
“Democratic rhetoric w/ Undemocratic intent.”
Nixon’s #WarOnCrime
Trump’s #DrainTheSwamp
Attack #RuleOfLaw in the name of anti corruption whist corrupt
Protect freedom but w necessity to oppress others–4th of July celebrate freedom whilst marginalized others considered unworthy of goods of liberty
Freedoms end w fascist victory.
#propaganda #waroncrime #draintheswamp #ruleoflaw #jasonstanley #howfascismworks
More and more governments are using #dystopian science fiction not as a warning but as a blueprint.
#ElSalvador #Megaprison #WarOnCrime #NayibBukele
#dystopian #elsalvador #megaprison #waroncrime #nayibbukele