Do you still remember how it used to be ….
@KBAntifa Vergessen wir aber auch nicht, dass dies zum Grund für den #WarOnTerror erklärt wurde, den zweiten #Irak- und dem #Afghanistan-Krieg auslöste, obwohl der Angriff durch Saudis ausgeführt und vorbereitet wurde. Das seither jeder Muslim unter Islamismus-Verdacht steht. Das der War on Terror 100x mehr Tote gefordert hat, uns die Bilder aus #AbuGhraib und das #CollateralMurder-Video beschert hat. #KeinVergessen auch für diese Opfer
#waronterror #irak #afghanistan #abughraib #collateralmurder #keinvergessen
@KristianHarstad Also #remember this and the other pictures from the #torture prison in #AbuGhraib, #Iraq - the first country G.W. #Bush invaded for the #WarOnTerror as retaliation that had nothing to do with the attack on the Twin Towers which was masterminded by #Saudis. Also remember the #CollateralMurder video. Remember how you put every Muslim under suspicion. Remember Afghanistan and how you (Edit: the US) betrayed it's people. #NeverForget
#remember #torture #abughraib #iraq #bush #waronterror #saudis #neverforget #warcrime #collateralmurder
"Turning Point: 9/11 and the War on Terror"
*excellent* 5 part series:
> Modern history can be divided into two time frames: before 9/11 and after 9/11. This five-part docuseries is a cohesive chronicle of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the U.S., offering illuminating perspectives and personal stories of how the catastrophic events of that day changed the course of the nation.
Netflix only?
#Sept11 #Terrorism #WarOnTerror #Documentary #Film #Movie #Cinemastodon
#sept11 #terrorism #waronterror #documentary #film #movie #cinemastodon
#Trump’s #TrueBelievers Bring the #WaronTerror Home
#trump #truebelievers #waronterror
Until today the #Ramstein air base remains a symbol of the hypocritical western war culture committing #warcrimes in an #illegal #WarOnTerror that cost thousands of innocent lives - covered by coward judges around the world not speaking #justice.
#ramstein #warcrimes #illegal #waronterror #Justice
Continuing report #DemocracyNow #TrevorAaronson : “living in this post-9/11 era, with the ‘war on terror’ waning, the #FBI still very much has the powers that it attained as a result of the ‘#waronterror.’ …in the hunt for terrorists, finding fewer terrorists now, they are turning these powers toward other targets, including political activists…” Part 2: Meet the Colorado Springs Activist Suing the FBI & Police After Being Targeted by Undercover Agent #BLM #Denver #Aurora #Colorado #housing
#democracynow #trevoraaronson #fbi #waronterror #blm #denver #aurora #colorado #housing
"Virtually all the people killed by U.S. firepower in the “war on terror” for more than two decades have been people of color."
The USA’s Systemic Racism includes Its Wars
"This week on #TheNewArabVoice, we look at the case of Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, how the #torture he endured at the hands of his captors is playing into his trial, how efforts to close the prison have failed, and what needs to happen to ensure that victims of Guantanamo get justice."
Searching for Justice at #Guantanamo: Tainted evidence and the fight for accountability
#CloseGuantánamo #GuantánamoPrisoners #GuantánamoDetainees #Gitmo #CloseGitmo #WarOnTerror
#thenewarabvoice #torture #guantanamo #closeguantanamo #guantanamoprisoners #guantanamodetainees #gitmo #closegitmo #waronterror
Le agenzie d'intelligence hanno un disperato bisogno di nemici, tanto da costruirseli da se.
Ne va della loro stessa sopravvivenza.
During the War on Terror, the #FBI manufactured its own domestic terror plots (that it then boasted of breaking up) by targeting young, poor Muslims with mental health issues to lure them into the FBI's plots - just as they do now with its domestic war:
Through a close examination of #Canadian #ForeignPolicy from crushing an #Indigenous rebellion in #ElSalvador , #peacekeeping missions in the #Congo & #Somalia & #ColdWar interventions in #Vietnam & #Indonesia to #Canadian participation in the #WarOnTerror - Canada in the World finds that this #colonial heart has dictated #Canada ’s actions in the world since the beginning.
#DecolonizeYourMind #RecommendedReading #education #Book #NonFiction #ReadToLearn #colonizers
#canadian #foreignpolicy #indigenous #elsalvador #peacekeeping #congo #somalia #coldwar #vietnam #indonesia #waronterror #colonial #canada #decolonizeyourmind #recommendedreading #education #book #nonfiction #readtolearn #colonizers
In David Cortright’s latest book, Cortright analyzes the anti-war movement that opposed U.S. involvement in Iraq.
#antiwar #iraq #waronterror
Talking Afghanistan, Benghazi, & The Global War On Terror With Ex-CIA by The Andres Segovia Show
#benghazi #neverforgetbenghazi #afghanistan #waronterror #cia #gwot #TheAndresSegovia
#benghazi #neverforgetbenghazi #afghanistan #waronterror #cia #gwot #theandressegovia
"The Feeling of Being Watched" by Assia Boundaoui explores the impact of surveillance on Muslim-American communities in the wake of the #WarOnTerror, and raises important questions about ##privacy, security, & #CivilLiberties.
Screening May 5 at Acud Macht Neu in #Berlin:
#waronterror #privacy #civilliberties #berlin #SMARTPRISONS
The #US and the #WarCrimes in the #WaronTerror
Warning: Distressing content on torture in this article
Thursday's book of the day is:
#baseball #terrorism #waronterror #ushistory
#ushistory #waronterror #terrorism #baseball
"After 2003 [..] #Iraq became an open theatre for the so-called #WarOnTerror. [..] The latest figure I read is that the total of Iraqis who were displaced and had to leave their homes was 8 million. Ethnic cleansing took place because of the occupation."
The #IraqWar & Its Legacies with #SinanAntoon
#Iraq2003 #Iraq20YearsAfter #IraqInvaded20YearsLater #RégimeChangeWars
#jadaliyya #regimechangewars #iraqinvaded20yearslater #iraq20yearsafter #iraq2003 #sinanantoon #iraqwar #waronterror #iraq
"After 2003 [..] #Iraq became an open theatre for the so-called #WarOnTerror. [..]The latest figure I read is that the total of Iraqis who were displaced and had to leave their homes was 8 million. Ethnic cleansing took place because of the occupation."
The #IraqWar & Its Legacies with #SinanAntoon
#Iraq2003 #Iraq20YearsAfter #IraqInvaded20YearsLater #RégimeChangeWars
#jadaliyya #regimechangewars #iraqinvaded20yearslater #iraq20yearsafter #iraq2003 #sinanantoon #iraqwar #waronterror #iraq
"After 2003 [..] #Iraq became an
open theatre for the so-called #WarOnTerror. [..]The latest figure I read is that the total of Iraqis who were displaced and had to leave their homes was 8 million. Ethnic cleansing took place because of the occupation."
The #IraqWar & Its Legacies with #SinanAntoon
#Iraq2003 #Iraq20YearsAfter #IraqInvaded20YearsLater #RégimeChangeWars
#jadaliyya #regimechangewars #iraqinvaded20yearslater #iraq20yearsafter #iraq2003 #sinanantoon #iraqwar #waronterror #iraq
Osama bin Laden was born #OTD in 1957. His 9/11 attack targeted the core of US imperialism; finance and military leadership; yet the US state was able to seduce a willing population into feeling personally attacked, leading to a cancerous and potentially terminal growth of the military industrial complex, which might ultimately fulfill bin Laden’s objectives.
Today's art is by Priscilla Bracks:
#mar10 #hiag #decolonization #usa #waronterror #history #otd