'For example, a lesson in the Advanced Placement course focused on how Europeans benefited from trading enslaved people and the materials enslaved laborers produced. The state objected to the content, saying the instructional approach “may lead to a viewpoint of an ‘oppressor vs. oppressed’ based solely on race or ethnicity.”
#WokeBashing #Slavery #Florida
#wokebashing #slavery #florida #historicalrevisionism #desantis #waronwoke
Government distances itself from ‘Lavatory Tsar’ claims | The Independent
#LavatoryTsar #ukgov #toilets #tories #Badenoch #genderneutraltoilets #waronwoke #EqualitiesMinister #transrights #womensrights #Nokes
Travelers are right to steer clear of Florida
#FloridaTravel #RonDesantis #WarOnWoke #CNNOpinions #SteerClear #Travelers #Politics #News
#floridatravel #rondesantis #waronwoke #cnnopinions #steerclear #travelers #politics #news
DeSantis' 'war on woke' looks a lot like attempts by other countries to deny and rewrite history
#DeSantis #WarOnWoke #DenyAndRewriteHistory #AttemptsByOtherCountries #HistoryDenial #WokeWar #DeSantisHashtag #Politics #News
#desantis #waronwoke #denyandrewritehistory #attemptsbyothercountries #historydenial #wokewar #desantishashtag #politics #news
Either Governor Abbott isn’t satisfied with the level of hatred coming from real Texas towns and real Texans, or he’s clueless as to which Texas towns actually exist.
#LGBTQ #Texas #GarthBrooks #BudLight #WarOnWoke
#lgbtq #texas #garthbrooks #budlight #waronwoke
Watching MSNBC gives me the impression that the US are in a highly instable state of implosion... reading German newspapers or the UK-Guardian, I don't see anything of it.
#bias #trump #insurrection #voterfraud #culturewars #waronwoke
#waronwoke #culturewars #voterfraud #insurrection #trump #bias
“You know it’s bad when even Donald Trump is saying ‘Nobody knows what woke means’.”
- Charlie Sykes on Morning Joe.
I sure hope that their #WarOnWoke is going to wake up more Americans to our dire need for them to vote the GOP out of power up and down the ballot.
#DeSantis, #RonDeSantis, #MeatballRon, #Florida, #graduation, #BookBans, #woke, #WarOnWoke, #PoliticalCartoon, #EditorialCartoon, @Rattoons1776
#desantis #rondesantis #meatballron #florida #graduation #bookbans #woke #waronwoke #politicalcartoon #editorialcartoon
Ron DiSaster Loses $1 Billion Disney Project Days Before 2024 Announcement: Congrats to Ron DeSantis and his dumb “war on woke.”
#NewRepublic #RonDeSantis #DisneyProject #WarOnWoke #FloridaPolitics #EconomicDevelopment #CorporateResponsibility #Politics #News
#newrepublic #rondesantis #disneyproject #waronwoke #floridapolitics #economicdevelopment #corporateresponsibility #politics #news
LOCAL ELECTIONS 2023: Rishi Sunak Falls Victim to his Own ‘War on Woke’ – Byline Times
Ultimate #GOPHypocrite Award goes to Ron #DeFascist
In his fake #WarOnWoke against Disney
Did you know he got married there in 2009?
The more you know him?
The less you like him
Thx @LaurensComedy
“He’s A Small Man After All”
#waronwoke #defascist #gophypocrite
How can you mount a “charm offensive” when you’re utterly devoid of charm?
Ron #DeFascist Agenda:
Reverse Civil Rights & limit free speech
Fake Culture Wars aka #WarOnWoke
Take Over Education & ban books
Voter Suppression on steroids
Private Goon Squad
Control Media & Silence critics
The Ron #DeFascist Agenda:
Reverse Civil Rights & limit free speech
Fake Culture Wars aka #WarOnWoke
Take Over Education & ban books
Voter Suppression on steroids
Private Goon Squad
Control Media & Silence critics
Our reply⬇️
#Trump’s Stupid Idea to #ArmTeachers, #FoxNews in Hot Water Over #ElectionFraud Claims & #WaronWoke
#trump #armteachers #foxnews #electionfraud #waronwoke
"Dougie Smith, who coordinated the 'war on woke' pursued by the Johnson administration, has been tasked with 'weaponising' the issue of trans rights before the next election."
And that, dear readers, is how a Consevative Party facing electoral humiliation intends to behave at the UK's next general election. #Transgender men and women will be collateral damage in this extension of the #WarOnWoke.
"Dougie Smith, who coordinated the 'war on woke' pursued by the Johnson administration, has been tasked with 'weaponising' the issue of trans rights before the next election."
And that, dear readers, is how a Conservative Party facing electoral humiliation intends to behave at the UK's next general election. #Transgender men and women will be collateral damage in this extension of the #WarOnWoke.
Schools are failing our children. It's time for a re-think
The ‘War on Woke’ currently being waged by Conservative politicians and sections of the media has a long history. It has appeared under different banners and in varied forms over the past 200 years, all rooted in an Anglo-Saxon culture deeply suspicious of ideas and the intellectual.
#education #WarOnWoke
Via @SussexBylines https://sussexbylines.co.uk/schools-are-failing-our-children-its-time-for-a-re-think/
‘Principles such as social and professional good conduct, respect for others, engagement with communities and enforcing appropriate standards of behaviour, are slammed as “wokeness” by the party and the rightwing press. Recently the home secretary, Suella Braverman, has actively undermined efforts to regain trust among alienated communities’
#WarOnWoke #Racism #UK Politics #Braverman
#waronwoke #racism #uk #Braverman