📬 Cloudflare hat seinen Warrant Canary nicht aktualisiert
#Datenschutz #Internet #ITSicherheit #Szene #Cloudflare #Cybersicherheit #Strafverfolgung #UsenetForum #WarrantCanary https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/internet/cloudflare-hat-seinen-warrant-canary-nicht-aktualisiert-279099.html
#datenschutz #internet #itsicherheit #szene #cloudflare #cybersicherheit #strafverfolgung #UsenetForum #warrantcanary
stop.voring.me ရဲ့ စည်းမျဉ်းတွေကို ဖတ်ကြည့်ရင်းနဲ့ Warrant Canary ဆိုတာကို တွေ့တာ သူတို့ဆီက (အမေရိကန်က) Warrant Canary က မိုက်တယ်။
EFF က အဓိပ္ပါယ်ဖွင့်ဆိုချက်အရ (ပုံ - ၁)
FBI တို့ဘာတို့က ထုတ်မပြောခိုင်းတဲ့ဟာကို ဉပဒေနဲ့မငြိစွန်းဘဲ ထုတ်ပြောတဲ့သဘောပဲ။ ဘောင်အတွင်းကနေပဲ လုပ်သွားတာ အရမ်းမိုက်တယ်။ 🔥
Learn more:
stop.voring.me ရဲ့ စည်းမျဉ်းတွေကို ဖတ်ကြည့်ရင်းနဲ့ Warrant Canary ဆိုတာကို တွေ့တာ သူတို့ (အမေရိကန်) က Warrant Canary က မိုက်တယ်။
EFF က အဓိပ္ပါယ်ဖွင့်ဆိုချက်အရ (ပုံ - ၁)
FBI တို့ဘာတို့က ထုတ်မပြောခိုင်းတဲ့ဟာကို ဉပဒေနဲ့မငြိစွန်းဘဲ ထုတ်ပြောတဲ့သဘောပဲ။ ဘောင်အတွင်းကနေပဲ လုပ်သွားတာ အရမ်းမိုက်တယ်။ 🔥
Novinky z NoLogu 🗞️
1️⃣ Minulý týden jsme v datacentru stěhovali naše servery abychom si zajistili prostor pro další rozšiřování.
Zároveň s tím jsme upgradovali celou síť na 10Gb/s a přidali nový switch. Migrace nám zabrala 3 noci a povedla se bez znatelných výpadků 🎉
2️⃣ Včera jsme aktualizovali našeho bezpečnostního kanárka. #warrantcanary je pravidelně aktualizované prohlášení ve kterém potvrzujeme že nám nebyla nařízena mlčenlivost a naše infrastruktura je v bezpečí.
Wait, what... The #storj warrant canary isn't there (anymore)... https://www.storj.io/canary.txt
Your best option in online #anonymity is to either make your own WireGuard VPN on a VPS (so you control the logging) on a bulletproof VPS without telling them what it does OR purchase a bulletproof VPN service with a #warrantcanary to alert you if they have been compromised.
Hinzu kommt dass es weder ein #WarrantCanary noch #TransparencyReport gibt...
#transparencyreport #warrantcanary
Happy 2023! We just published our #WarrantCanary for the new year 🕵️
Warrant Canaries are a means for us to (not) inform you of (not being) breached if served with a State-issued, secret subpoena (gag order) #privacy
Did anyone else notice the #warrantcanary on #storj is blank? https://www.storj.io/canary.txt
I started #explaining this to my wife but her eyes glazed over as she does NOT like computer stuff (she just wants to use them) so I'm coming here.
I absolutely love the concept of #warrantcanary I didn't totally understand them till I started reading up and getting my own, personal #PGP #key and then I'm like. "Wow! This is great! Can prove that it's true and if it's altered, you know to run like hell."
That's it. Nothing else. LOL
#explaining #warrantcanary #pgp #key
Very Happy I Moved To ioc.exchange.
I have not seen #Mastodon instances using a #WarrantCanary & going out of their way to inform users that they take deleting data seriously no matter where they reside.
There are also clearly posted rules on the about page unlike some instances that are vague or have policies that create a nanny state scenario in hosting.
I'm an adult, who wishes to view content and connect with others, abide by rules and be respectful and it's nice to be treated as such.
Many of us came to #Mastodon and the #Fediverse because of our belief in the importance of people instead of corporate and governmental control.
I've seen lots of welcome guides warn that nothing on Mastodon is encrypted. It's usually emphasized that the admins can read your messages, but also means that all of your content can be subpoenaed.
I think each instance should include a #WarrantCanary to note that they have not received such an order in the past.
I'll start by tagging my instance admin: @omnipotens.
h/t to @yair. I noticed @tooot.im has a canary in their about, which made me think that others should as well.
#warrantcanary #fediverse #mastodon
We maintain an active Warrant Canary on our website that we update monthly and are working on a public transparency portal. "We can't share what we don't know" is true, and even then, only if from a jurisdiction we operate in. https://incognet.io/warrant-canary
#privacy #onlineprivacy #warrantcanary
Proposed standard would make warrant canaries machine-readable - For years, organisations have been using a common tactic called the warrant canary to warn people ... more: https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2019/12/19/proposed-standard-would-make-warrant-canaries-machine-readable/ #electronicfrontierfoundation #securitythreats #warrantcanary #patriotact #privacy #reddit #apple #eff
#eff #apple #reddit #privacy #patriotact #warrantcanary #securitythreats #electronicfrontierfoundation