Here are the mayoral candidates that I’ve rejected voting for and why.
Note: Big Beverage is still upset about our soda tax and is trying to get it undone via various candidates.
Amen Brown- Fraud
Maria Sanchez- backed by Big Beverage
Jeff Brown- Backed By Big Beverage
Warren Bloom- Molestation allegations
Allan Domb- too invested in real estate
David Oh- republican who wants to make our school board more beholden to outside political influences
Jimmy Deleon- disciplined as a judge
Cherelle Parker- against safe injection site in south philly
#AmenBrown #mariasanchez #jeffbrown #warrenbloom #AllanDomb #DavidOh #JimmyDeLeon #CherelleParker #philly #philadelphia
#amenbrown #mariasanchez #jeffbrown #warrenbloom #allandomb #davidoh #jimmydeleon #cherelleparker #philly #philadelphia