Mapped your run? Found the nearest Starbucks? Thank the British Empire and the Cold War.
GPS is a great example of how our day-to-day lives are changed by military spending for national security. It’s a tale of high seas adventure, precision time-keeping, lemming-like driving, and traveling on Mars … read the whole story here
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@daum3ns I'm not trying to say that you *should* end a war with weapons.
There is a subset of War Studies, War Termination, that looks at how wars end, which I discovered after reading your post.
Wars often end through demonstrations of force in battle that lead to negotiations or outright surrender - and that can come through more weapons.
Increasingly there are attempts to reach a negotiated peace without that - but they require both sides to have good faith.
Ihr kennt sicher alle und Vielleicht kennt ihr aber noch nicht und Wenn nicht, dann folgen. Viele kluge Gedanken, knackige Threads und... *Trommelwirbel... GIFs! Also, los. #SiPo #StratStudies #WarStudies #IR
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RT @ATRWibben
We are hiring in #WarStudies at the Swedish Defence University!!!
Check out these junior positions (equivalent to Asst. Prof/ tenure track in the US) & help us spread the word, please. Feel free to reach out with questions.
An excellent article for beginners, veterans, or anyone even remotely interested in #strategy.
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Excellent post by @WarintheFuture Thanks for the heads up on this book. Looking fwd to reading it.
#warstudies #war #strategy #society #PME #BookoftheWeek #rt @Doctrine_Man @trclausewitz @kbenson355
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#warstudies #war #strategy #society #pme #BookoftheWeek #rt