Vi sembra umanamente possibile indignarsi per le guerre in ogni parte del mondo e poi 'giocare' ad una cosa così?
Che senso ha?
Che motivazione ha?
Che mente disturbata può pensare una cosa del genere solo per fare soldi?
Giuro che quando ho visto la foto ho pensato subito alla guerra in Ukraina...
#videogiochi #guerra #war #warukraine #diario #16agosto2023
#war #warukraine #UkraineRussiaWar
You don't get to claim the moral high ground saying the use of cluster munitions is wrong and Ukraine shouldn't be provided them in war. While Ukraine needs them to clear trenches like they were designed for.
If you also were silent about Russia use of #clustermunitions on civilians populations. And decided the use of forbidden weapons on civilians wasn't important enough for your country to get involved over.
#war #warukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #clustermunitions #dontplayfavorites #weaponshypocracy
Нам дають зброю, але не так, щоб ми захистили свій суверенітет.Ми вам дамо, але попізже. Поки втрачайте людей, засірайте країну, вбивайте економіку.А навіщо ви нам взагалі допомогаєте? Будапештський Меморандум? А що там було написано, що ви нам допомогатиме так, що б билися тільки на своєї території, а ми вам будемо давати зброю, щоб війна йшла довго, ви втрачали людей, та не змогли перемогти? ЧОМУ? Що це за війна, коли з одного боку є все, а з іншого артилерія?
Доволі об'ємний текст, але змістовний. Про наші переспективи. Спойлер : світ не ідеальний.
Russia launched a wave of cruise missiles and launched 129 drone strikes on the territory of Ukraine, targeting major cities and critical infrastructure, killing at least 11 people and injuring 11 others. Ukrainian General Valery Zaluzhny says that at least 20 missiles were intercepted over the capital Kiev.🇺🇦
#warukraine #Kiev #Ukraine
Several times since the Russian invasion of Ukraine began there have been reports that Belarus was massing troops on the border, and their joining the war was imminent. It will be a serious matter should they actually invade Ukraine, but hearing these rumors again brings to my mind this scene from The Pirates Of Penzance. #WarUkraine #Belarus #PenzancePirates
#warukraine #belarus #penzancepirates
Оце вчора таке було в Запоріжжі
#запоріжжя #Zaporizhzhia #warukraine
#запоріжжя #Zaporizhzhia #warukraine
Everything #brexit#covid,#warukraine,but what's happening in Uk is too much!!!:#ToriesInfitToGovern!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#brexit #warukraine #ToriesInfitToGovern
Sing for Peace - Highlight auf Darmstädter Weihnachtsmarkt mit Spendenaktion zugunsten der Ukraine für Notstromaggregate von
Chören aus Darmstadt und Umgebung sowie Opernsängerin Olena Romaniv (Lemberg Lviv) begeisterten zahlreiche Zuschauer/innen
#staywithukraine #singforpeace #peaceforukraine #hessenschau #warukraine #op_online #hessenfoto #visitdarmstadt #pmagazin_da #ukraine #hitradioffh #darmstadtkalender #nikondach #echoonline #citymarketing #visithessen #bluelight #wixhausen
#StayWithUkraine #singforpeace #peaceforukraine #hessenschau #warukraine #op_online #hessenfoto #visitdarmstadt #pmagazin_da #ukraine #hitradioffh #darmstadtkalender #nikondach #echoonline #citymarketing #visithessen #bluelight #wixhausen
Då mellan 1941 - 1945 var vintern Rysslands ( Sovjetunionen) vän, idag 2022-2023 kanske deras fiende..
#ukraine #russia #warukraine
«Moscow has quietly reached an agreement with Tehran to begin manufacturing hundreds of unmanned weaponized aircraft on Russian soil»
#WarUkraine #iran
🇬🇧UK will bolster Ukraine’s air defense.
«The £50 million package of defense aid comprises 125 anti-aircraft guns and technology to counter deadly Iranian-supplied drones, including dozens of radars and anti-drone electronic warfare capability. It follows more than 1,000 new anti-air missiles announced by the Defence Secretary earlier this month»
🇸🇪 Sweden's Government to send record support package to Ukraine.
«The new military support package is expected to contain an advanced weapons system for air defense including advanced ammunition, and also advanced ammunition for additional air defense systems, light all-terrain vehicles, personal equipment including winter equipment and body protection, gun laying equipment, tents and camouflage netting.,protection%2C%20gun%20laying%20equipment%2C%20tents
I’ve been tracking small drones in the Ukraine War since the Russian invasion. Here’s a series on what I’ve learned.
First up: the aerial spectacle of drone data and the launch of a whole new era of conflict storytelling.
#drone #drones #uav #Ukraine #UkraineWar #war #conflict #osint #Russia #WarUkraine #unmanned #photography
#Photography #unmanned #warukraine #Russia #osint #conflict #War #UkraineWar #Ukraine #uav #Drones #drone
Interested in how both Ukraine and Russia are using small drones in the Ukraine war? I’ve been maintaining a open-source database with over 800 entries since February. Find it here:
#drones #drone #ukrainedrone #osint #ukraine #russia #uav #ukrainewar #warukraine #war #unmanned #OpenSourceInte l
#opensourceinte #unmanned #War #warukraine #UkraineWar #uav #Russia #Ukraine #osint #ukrainedrone #drone #Drones
What Mastodon instances are people using for posting #OSINT and #Ukraine war content?
I get the sense I should just make a separate account for my posts on small drones in the Ukraine War.
I also hope app-based account switching is relatively easy.
#OpenSourceIntel #War #warukraine #ukrainedrone #UkraineWar #Ukraine #osint
What Mastodon instances are people using for posting #OSINT and #Ukraine war content?
I get the sense I should just make a separate account for my posts on small drones in the Ukraine War.
I also hope app-based account switching is relatively easy.
#OpenSourceIntel #War #warukraine #ukrainedrone #UkraineWar #Ukraine #osint
Από τη χθεσινή αντιπολεμική συγκέντρωση στο ρωσικό προξενείο. Κυριακή 10 Απριλίου αντιπολεμική συγκέντρωση στη νατοϊκή βάση στον #Άραξο.
#Ουκρανια #antireport #antifa #antinazi #Ρωσία #NATO #Athens #RefugeesWelcome #Refugeesgr #WARINUKRAINE #warukraine #πολεμος_στην_ουκρανία
#πολεμος_στην_Ουκρανία #warukraine #WARINUKRAINE #refugeesgr #refugeeswelcome #athens #nato #ρωσία #antinazi #Antifa #antireport #Ουκρανια #Άραξο
They have a new post about neo-nazis in Ukraine
And here's a Jew member of the Territorial Defense 🖖
Appeal to Ruby community from Kharkiv Rubyist Victor Shepelev: