I generally think it's a very bad idea to just have 1 copy of important #data or even just 2 copies. Yesterday, I spent a lot of time setting up #rclone with #GoogleDrive on my #VPS so it would automatically #sync any data I uploaded to a folder in Google Drive to my VPS which would then automatically back up to #Mega and #Wasabi. It was time consuming, but worth the effort because if anything ever happens to my data in Google Drive, at least I'll have 2 other backups. #MegaNZ #AWS #S3
#data #rclone #googledrive #vps #sync #mega #wasabi #meganz #aws #s3
Restic backups for the homelab to Wasabi S3 are 99% complete at this point - everything managed by Ansible, but not scheduled as of yet (too many dependencies on Vault for secrets management).
I need to tweak some of the cleanup/pruning, and include a few more directories for some of my vms, but I'm happy with where I'm at so far.
Offsite backups give me some warm and fuzzies in case of catastrophic failure.
#ansible #wasabi #restic #homelab #backups
Fiddling around with dockerized @firefish which runs great but has anyone successfully implemented #S3 storage (#Wasabi) yet? Can't get it running despite other services with similar settings (#Mastodon, #Pixelfed, #BookWyrm) run without any hassle.
How may I test / debug the correct settings?
#s3 #wasabi #mastodon #pixelfed #bookwyrm
Je suis à la recherche d'un #MastoAdmin ou des #MastoAdmins qui utilise-nt un service #ObjectStorage #S3 et qui voudrai-en-t bien me donner un p'tit coup de main pour mettre ça en place.
En 2018, j'avais suivi ce guide (https://stanislas.blog/2018/05/moving-mastodon-media-files-to-wasabi-object-storage/) pour utiliser #Wasabi sans #ReverseProxy, mais comme ce n'est plus possible (voir: https://pouet.fedi.quebec/@manu/110658367412016709) j'essaie avec #OVH (S3 Standard) et un reverse proxy inspiré de ça : https://docs.joinmastodon.org/admin/optional/object-storage-proxy/
Merci de partager !
#mastoadmin #mastoadmins #objectstorage #s3 #wasabi #reverseproxy #ovh
#Wasabi has no traffic egress charge, but it's not truly unlimited as they claim. Also, you're still charged for 90 days for deelted files. https://stanislas.blog/2019/11/object-storage-migrate-wasabi-to-scaleway-rclone/
If you're storing #Mastodon media on Wasabi, you *should* proxy the most used files locally https://docs.joinmastodon.org/admin/optional/object-storage-proxy/
【ゲリラドラム】店員に扮して紅を叩きだしたら大観衆に包まれた!【X JAPAN】 https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1785735/announcer/
#announcer #Drum #drumcover #FemaleAnnouncers #HIDE #japan #kurenai #ToshI #Vlog #WAGAKKIBAND #Wasabi #XJAPAN #YOSHIKI #アナウンサー #イオンレイクタウン #ゲリラドラム店員に扮して紅を叩きだしたら大観衆に包まれたX #ドラム #モニタリング #わさび #加藤真輝子 #叩いてみた #和楽器バンド #女性アナウンサー #山葵 #紅
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和牛 川西がすり替えいたずらの餌食にww【SUSHI★BOYSのいたずら #172】 https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1771871/comedian/
#Ashigaru #FUJIYAMA #kabuki #Kakiage #Mー1グランプリ #Omusubi #Sakuranabe #Shinobi #SUSHI★BOYS #tempura #Wasabi #YAMATO #アフロ #いくらの軍艦巻き #イタズラ #おもしろ動画 #お笑い #テッテレー!! #トータルテンボス #ドッキリ #ハプニング #ファイナリスト #ブレスケア #よしもと #今日のいたずら #吉本 #和牛 #大村 #寿司 #川西 #川西賢志郎 #愛くるしい #爆笑 #藤田
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@geffrey @dhrystone it's worth pricing #Wasabi's #s3 compatible service too, it's cheaper for me than AWS.
#b2 is better for my home directory workstation backups (you need to consider how much local you can leverage to require less retrieval from any object store off-net in my opinion) but my synology filers backup to two cloud providers and local attached USB for grab and go.
大王わさび農場 #nagano #japan #shorts https://www.alojapan.com/828307/%e5%a4%a7%e7%8e%8b%e3%82%8f%e3%81%95%e3%81%b3%e8%be%b2%e5%a0%b4-nagano-japan-shorts/
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家庭科「切って和えるだけ!アボカドとチキンのわさび醤油和え/How to cook Avocado and Chicken with wasabi soy sauce. https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1707831/voice-actor/
#avocado #chicken #cook #SAUCE #soy #Vlog #voiceactor #Wasabi #かんたん #しょうゆ #チキン #わさび醤油あえ #声優 #家庭科切って和えるだけアボカドとチキンのわさび醤油和えHow #手軽 #料理 #男性声優 #美味しい #鳥さん #鳥海浩輔
#avocado #chicken #cook #sauce #soy #vlog #voiceactor #wasabi #かんたん #しょうゆ #チキン #わさび醤油あえ #声優 #家庭科切って和えるだけアボカドとチキンのわさび醤油和えhow #手軽 #料理 #男性声優 #美味しい #鳥さん #鳥海浩輔
Trezor Hardware-Wallet erhält CoinJoin-Funktionalität https://www.blocktrainer.de/trezor-hardware-wallet-coinjoin/ #Privatsphäre #Blogpost #CoinJoin #Bitcoin #Trezor #Wasabi #News
#privatsphare #Blogpost #coinjoin #bitcoin #trezor #wasabi #News
@bewitchedmind @biene Hatte ich vergessen: #Zitronenmelisse wächst bei mir im lichten Schatten wie Unkraut. Und auf der kalten, eher nassen Nordseite #Wasabi.
@benjaminhollon For remote backup storage it may be worth checking out #Backblaze, #Wasabi, or #iDrive for pretty cost effective solutions.
For a bit more #Cloudflare can enter the mix as well.
#backblaze #wasabi #idrive #cloudflare