And to be clear, the science behind #masks & more has been solid so I would recommend reviewing this nice explainer with links to multiple studies if trolls pop up with demands & distract from practical advice shared above
#CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #wearamask #MaskUp #PublicHealth over #Politics #WashHands #TestDaily #COVID #COVID19
#masks #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #WearAMask #MaskUp #publichealth #politics #washhands #testdaily #COVID #COVID19
Enjoyed this chat with Adrieanne Arsenault on CBC The National about problematic "immune boosting" claims...
"The truth about immune boosters: Orange peels, echinacea, vitamin IVs"
Science surrounding most claims iffy. Best approach: #healthylifestyle, #vaccines, #washhands, etc.
#ScienceUpFirst #washhands #vaccines #healthylifestyle
XBB.1.5 shows we’re thinking about COVID variants all wrong. Here’s a better way. - Grid
Here’s a clear explanation of COVID variants, expected severity of infection in vaccinated people and a guideline for when to be alarmed and when you may be able to relax, a little.
If you are not vaccinated, there are good reasons why you should be alarmed about all variants. Get a shot
#MaskUp #WashHands #Vaccinate
Yet another new record high (low?) for the #Covid19 infection-rate in #Trafford: over 30,000 #Traffordians are currently infected (excl. #LongCovid etc.), up over 14,000 in a week! #Traffordians #WearAMask #KeepSocialDistance #WashHands
Graph of above with rate from Jul 2020 to Jan 2023:
#COVID19 #trafford #traffordians #LongCovid #WearAMask #keepsocialdistance #washhands
10 Sensible Precautions
🔑 Lock the door to prevent burglary
☔ Use an umbrella to prevent saturation
🧴 Wear sunscreen to prevent burning
⛑️ Wear a helmet to prevent brain injury
🧤 Wear gloves to prevent frostbite
👐🏼 Wash hands to prevent illnesses
😷 Wear a quality mask to prevent illnesses
☠️ Avoid poisons to prevent dying
🕶️ Wear sunglasses to prevent eye damage
🦟 Use insect repellent to prevent illnesses
#StaySafe #LockDoors #Sunscreen #Helmet #Gloves #WashHands #WearAMask #AvoidPoisons
#staysafe #lockdoors #sunscreen #helmet #gloves #washhands #WearAMask #avoidpoisons
The vaccine protects you from fatal infection. It makes serious infection rare.
While vaccinated and boosted I got a COVID (lambda?) infection. I had 30 uncomfortable hours, like mild cold, then felt fine while I tested positive for 12 days.
Try to adopt reasonable expectations for the risks you face. Vaccination and reasonably regular boosters will protect you from life threatening disease. It’s your mask that protects you from infection.
#maskup #WashHands
Even surgical masks, with big gaps on the side, are enough to protect against COVID infections. You know, the kind they give you in a hospital or MDs office. Your sinuses need to accumulate 3000+ organisms to make an infection possible. Perhaps overthinking masks is not productive? Put on any mask you have available when indoors, in a crowd, on public transit, in a place where you might, unknowingly, be exposed to an infected, contagious person. #MaskUp #WashHands
One thing I had forgotten about headcolds: I can not outline while taking cold meds. Brain will not connect the bits and bobs of plot.
#mask #writinglife #health #washhands
First headcold since...I dunno, 2019? 2018? Can't say I miss this.
Yes, I mask but I went shopping in the hustle and bustle of the season and rubbed my eye like a dim dim before washing my hands.
#mask #writinglife #health #washhands
@jensimmons we are witnessing a new surge. This is not the time to relax personal COVID protection behavior. #maskup #WashHands
#WashHands and surfaces frequently. Some common viruses survive on surfaces for hours.
Don’t touch your eyes, nose and mouth. These are germ portals into your body! (Masks and glasses help remind you to not touch these areas.)
Isolate the sick family member as much as possible from others.
Imagine if we had such a simple message here to our patients, communities.
Keep your Holidays safe!
FACE - #MaskUp to prevent of respiratory spread
Hands - #WashHands to prevent spread through contact
Home - #StayHome if sick. So simple. So true! Kudos
@jbf1755 in the news today; COVID antigen levels at 2 NYC waste water sites are rising. #MaskUp #WashHands
I updated my blog on #Strep due to what's going on in the UK.
I am scared for the kids.
Please #WearAMask, #StayHomeWhenSick, #DontTouchYourFace, and #WashHands. I hope the #AntibioticShortage ends soon!
#strep #WearAMask #StayHomeWhenSick #donttouchyourface #washhands #antibioticshortage
Inside scoop 🍨
Hospitals in Calgary are FULL of people w/ viral & bacterial respiratory infections. Many otherwise healthy, w/ bad chest complications 🫁
What can you do?
#Influenza vaccine
#COVID19 vaccines up to date
#MaskUp 😷
If symptoms ➡️ isolate to 🛑 spread
#influenza #COVID19 #MaskUp #washhands