"In Irving, we find the direction of American literature and its ambivalence about values and meaning. He was a localist creating a national myth, interested in the people and history around him. He was also a cosmopolitan looking across states, oceans, and time. Whether at home or abroad, Irving found something of importance."
Washington Irving, US Trailblazer
https://www.city-journal.org/article/american-trailblazer?wallit_nosession=1 via "City Journal
Image: PhotoQuest/NARA via "City Journal"
#WashingtonIrving #AmericanLiterature #Literature
#washingtonirving #AmericanLiterature #literature
Today is the birthday of early #American author #WashingtonIrving who we #quote and back with a picture of another #Fallbrook #sunset. If this #quotograph speaks to you please repost it.
#american #washingtonirving #quote #Fallbrook #sunset #quotograph
#Quotes #AWAD #WashingtonIrving
Love is never lost. If not reciprocated, it will flow back and soften and purify the heart. -Washington Irving, writer (3 Apr 1783-1859)
#quotes #awad #washingtonirving
Tonight is a delightful program with Anthony McGill, Susanna Phillips, and Myra Huang
#music #concert #peoplessymphony #washingtonirving
And tonight is a delightful program with the Calefax Reed Quintet
#music #concert #PeoplesSymphony #CalefaxReedQuintet #WashingtonIrving
#music #concert #peoplessymphony #calefaxreedquintet #washingtonirving
Gestern ausgelesen. Ich war abgetaucht in die Welt der Sagen rund um die Alhambra von #Granada, den Alcazar von #Sevilla und #Cordoba, aber auch in Berichte über das damalige Leben … was für eine Welt ging da durch die „Rückeroberung“ verloren, als man wieder in finstere katholische Zeiten versank… zum Glück blieb noch etwas erhalten. Erfüllen wir es mit Leben durch Erhaltung und Frieden untereinander (auf allen Seiten), um blühende Länder zu bewahren.
Man kann #WashingtonIrving nicht mehr danken, dass er alles aus seiner Sicht aufschrieb, ein Denk-mal sei ihm aber auch hier gesetzt.
#Reiselektüre #Andalusien #Spanien
Eine Frage bleibt: Warum schafft es die Menschheit nicht, in Frieden zum Wohle der Erde und ihrer Bewohner miteinander zu leben?
#granada #sevilla #cordoba #washingtonirving #reiselekture #andalusien #spanien
Front cover of Old Christmas by Washington Irving (1876 edition).
#christmas #books #washingtonirving #oldbooks
Reading one new favorite, "Old Christmas", by Washington Irving and one old favorite, "A Christmas Carol", by Charles Dickens. Did you know Washington Irving wrote Christmas stories and that his Christmas stories inspired Charles Dickens? 🎄📚❤️
#ChristmasBooks #CharlesDickens #WashingtonIrving #AChristmasCarol #OldChristmas #ClassicLit
#christmasbooks #charlesdickens #washingtonirving #achristmascarol #oldchristmas #classiclit
Here is an interview I did about the editing of the anthology of classic festive ghost stories "Ghost Stories For Christmas, Volume One" with Plan 9 Blog.
#Christmas #ghost #ghoststories #horror #shortstory #ghoststoriesforchristmas #andibrooks #fiction #ShortStoryAnthology #ChriistmasGhostStories #WinterTales #CharlesDickens #WashingtonIrving
#christmas #ghost #GhostStories #horror #shortstory #ghoststoriesforchristmas #AndiBrooks #fiction #shortstoryanthology #chriistmasghoststories #wintertales #charlesdickens #washingtonirving
I've edited an anthology of 30 Christmas ghost stories penned from 1820 to 1929. In paperback & Kindle from all Amazon marketplaces.
Features: #WashingtonIrving #CharlesDickens #MarkLemon #ElizabethGaskell #ENesbit #FitzJamesOBrien #EFBenson #SabineBaringGould #MaryElizabethBraddon, #CharlotteRiddell #RobertLouisStevenson #algernonblackwood & many more
#Christmas #ghost #ghoststories #horror #shortstory #ghoststoriesforchristmas #andibrooks #fiction #anthology
#washingtonirving #charlesdickens #marklemon #elizabethgaskell #enesbit #fitzjamesobrien #efbenson #sabinebaringgould #maryelizabethbraddon #charlotteriddell #RobertLouisStevenson #algernonblackwood #christmas #ghost #GhostStories #horror #shortstory #ghoststoriesforchristmas #AndiBrooks #fiction #anthology
Paramount Pictures released #TimBurton's #SleepyHollow in American cinemas #onthisday in 1999. As influenced by Hammer horror, Mario Bava (particularly Black Sunday), Poe and German Expressionism as the #WashingtonIrving story, with a great supporting cast including #ChristopherLee, #ChristopherWalken and #MichaelGough, Oscar-winning art direction by #RickHeinrichs and atmospheric cinematography by #EmmanuelLubezki.
#horror #HorrorMovies #gothichorror #gothic #otd #emmanuellubezki #rickheinrichs #michaelgough #christopherwalken #christopherlee #washingtonirving #onthisday #sleepyhollow #timburton
Collier fatali e “nuova” teratologia (Nightmare Abbey 11 / II) https://www.carmillaonline.com/2018/08/31/collier-fatali-e-nuova-teratologia-nightmare-abbey-11-ii/ #ErnestTheodorAmadeusHoffmann #letteraturafantastica #letteraturafrancese #Rivoluzionefrancese #WashingtonIrving #AlexandreDumas #CharlesNodier #ghoststories #PétrusBorel #Interventi #fantastico #ghoststory #fantasma #Fantasmi
#ernesttheodoramadeushoffmann #letteraturafantastica #letteraturafrancese #rivoluzionefrancese #washingtonirving #alexandredumas #charlesnodier #ghoststories #pétrusborel #interventi #fantastico #ghoststory #fantasma #fantasmi