「戦争中、 #ロシア は #トランスジェンダー 国民への攻撃を開始
#プーチン 大統領はかつて、子どもたちを守る問題として #LGBTQ やトランスジェンダーへの反対を主張したが、今では国家安全保障の問題となっている。」
#ロシア #トランスジェンダー #プーチン #lgbtq #prattohome #washingtonpost
Judge denies Mark Meadows effort to move Georgia case to federal court
#WashingtonPost #MarkMeadowsCourtCase #GeorgiaFederalCourt #LegalNews #JudicialRuling #LegalDispute #Politics #News
#washingtonpost #markmeadowscourtcase #georgiafederalcourt #legalnews #judicialruling #legaldispute #politics #news
Justice Kavanaugh says ethics changes may be coming to Supreme Court
#WashingtonPost #JusticeKavanaugh #EthicsChanges #SupremeCourt #JudicialEthics #Transparency #Politics #News
#washingtonpost #justicekavanaugh #ethicschanges #supremecourt #judicialethics #transparency #politics #news
Senate confirms Biden’s FCC nominee, breaking years-long deadlock
#WashingtonPost #FCCConfirmation #BidenNominee #SenateDeadlock #AnnaGomez #TechnologyNews #Politics #News
#washingtonpost #fccconfirmation #bidennominee #senatedeadlock #annagomez #technologynews #politics #news
Trump’s 2020 crusade has led to 700 years in prison sentences
#WashingtonPost #Trump2020Crusade #PrisonSentences #PoliticalNews #CriminalJustice #LegalSystem #Politics #News
#washingtonpost #trump2020crusade #prisonsentences #politicalnews #criminaljustice #legalsystem #politics #news
Alabama congressional map struck down again for diluting Black voting power
#WashingtonPost #AlabamaCongressionalMap #BlackVotingPower #VotingRights #PoliticalDilution #CivilRights #Politics #News
#washingtonpost #alabamacongressionalmap #blackvotingpower #votingrights #politicaldilution #civilrights #politics #news
When #CIA shot down Omar Torrijos of #Panama #washingtonpost could get the words out straight, and the garbled post still stands after 40 years. https://kafeneio.social/@indyradio/110990866226603580
Late in life, Dana Milbank of the #WashingtonPost discovers the need and advocates for #InsectDiversity . There's a good quote from E.O. Wilson, about how we'd be in a whole lot of trouble if insect populations collapsed.
#washingtonpost #insectdiversity #biodiversity #entomology #conservation
This language of "freezing" and "lightheadedness" is such a disservice. It would really be great if the #WashingtonPost would stop only ventriloquizing what #McConnell's spokespeople are saying. Is it too much to interview a #doctor, with #medical expertise, who could tell us what might be happening? Not a #diagnosis (a doctor wouldn't do that) but what the #medical reasons could be. We all have ideas but it sure would be nice to hear the voices of #experts.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/08/30/mcconnell-freeze-speaking/ (paywalled)
#washingtonpost #mcconnell #doctor #medical #diagnosis #experts
The Christian home-schooler who made ‘parental rights’ a GOP rallying cry | On a private call with Christian millionaires, home-schooling pioneer Michael Farris pushed for a strategy aimed at siphoning billions of tax dollars from public schools
#WashingtonPost #MichaelFarris #HomeschoolingPioneer #ParentalRights #GOPRallyingCry #PublicSchoolFunding #Politics #News
#washingtonpost #michaelfarris #homeschoolingpioneer #parentalrights #goprallyingcry #publicschoolfunding #politics #news
(29 Aug) - Conservatives are on a mission to dismantle the US government and replace it with Trump’s vision https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/08/29/election-2024-conservatives-trump-heritage/132651e6-4621-11ee-b76b-0b6e5e92090d_story.html #WashingtonPost #Conservatives #USGovernment #TrumpVision #Election2024 #Heritage #Politics #News https://mastodon.sdf.org/@uspolitics/110974700936890516
#news #politics #heritage #election2024 #trumpvision #usgovernment #conservatives #washingtonpost
(27 Aug) - Wisconsin Supreme Court flips liberal, creating a ‘seismic shift’ https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/08/27/wisconsin-supreme-court-liberal/ #WisconsinSupremeCourt #SeismicShift #LiberalFlip #PoliticalNews #WashingtonPost #WisconsinPolitics #Politics #News https://mastodon.sdf.org/@uspolitics/110962432313481025
#news #politics #wisconsinpolitics #washingtonpost #politicalnews #liberalflip #seismicshift #wisconsinsupremecourt
#army pain specialist/anesthesiologist being investigated for sex abuse of patients per #washingtonpost "
#Army #washingtonpost #militarymedicine #armymedicine #MedMastodon
(26 Aug) - Trump promised this Wisconsin town a manufacturing boom. It never arrived. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/08/22/foxconn-wisconsin-trump/ #WashingtonPost #TrumpPromised #WisconsinTown #ManufacturingBoom #FoxconnWisconsin #NeverArrived #Politics #News https://mastodon.sdf.org/@uspolitics/110957949692560068
#news #politics #neverarrived #foxconnwisconsin #manufacturingboom #wisconsintown #trumppromised #washingtonpost
Trump promised this Wisconsin town a manufacturing boom. It never arrived.
#WashingtonPost #TrumpPromised #WisconsinTown #ManufacturingBoom #FoxconnWisconsin #NeverArrived #Politics #News
#washingtonpost #trumppromised #wisconsintown #manufacturingboom #foxconnwisconsin #neverarrived #politics #news
Following Elon Musk’s lead, Big Tech is surrendering to disinformation by #WashingtonPost #GiftLink https://wapo.st/3EbFvdb
#edtechSR #ConCW #MediaLit #MediaLiteracy #politics #polarization
#washingtonpost #GiftLink #edtechsr #ConCW #medialit #medialiteracy #politics #polarization
#HashtagGames #trumpcrimefamilyarrestweek #ididnothingwrongwhen
GIF by Ann Telnaes of the #washingtonpost
#washingtonpost #ididnothingwrongwhen #trumpcrimefamilyarrestweek #HashtagGames