Here's a great photo @janna captured today in Washington Square Park!
It's a colorful day in the neighborhood!
#photography #nyc #washingtonsquare
A broken red rose on a black jacket on a blanched bench in Washington Square Park.
Evidence of joyous celebration, or proof of a broken heart?
#Flowers #flowerphotography #photography #NYC #WashingtonSquare
(photo credit @janna -- yesterday)
#flowers #flowerphotography #photography #nyc #washingtonsquare
A dancer and a musician entertain New Yorkers in front of the Arch in Washington Square Park.
#georgearzt #georgearztcommunications #washingtonsquarepark #washingtonsquare #washingtonsquarearch #thearch #nyc #newyork #newyorkcity #newyorknewyork #iloveny #ilovenyc #ilovenewyork #ilovenewyorkcity #GAC
#georgearzt #georgearztcommunications #washingtonsquarepark #washingtonsquare #washingtonsquarearch #thearch #nyc #newyork #newyorkcity #newyorknewyork #iloveny #ilovenyc #ilovenewyork #ilovenewyorkcity #gac
Flipping over the New Year in #Brookline
#WashingtonSquare #driving
#driving #washingtonsquare #brookline
NYJ, Gamal Abdel Nasser was on the cover of Time ($.20) the week I was born, it's great to have so many regional restaurants these days but I still like Cantonese best. #ManfredTheWonderDog #CrabbyAppleton #BlueAsh #XTC #PeterHam #AlexChilton #ChrisBell #IfIWereABell #SitDownYou'reRockingTheBoat #PoliticsandPoker #HowardDeSilva #BillHickey #WilliamDemarest #EdwardEverettHorton #Terrihuahuas #JardineParrots #ThePoisonwoodBible #JosephConrad #Groucho #MottStreet #WashingtonSquare #TheAgeOfInnocenc
#theageofinnocenc #washingtonsquare #mottstreet #groucho #josephconrad #thepoisonwoodbible #jardineparrots #terrihuahuas #edwardeveretthorton #williamdemarest #billhickey #howarddesilva #politicsandpoker #sitdownyou #ifiwereabell #chrisbell #AlexChilton #peterham #xtc #blueash #crabbyappleton #manfredthewonderdog
#FilmMasterpiece #ClassicFilms #CineClásico #AdaptacionesDeLibros #FilmsAdaptedFromBooks #HenryJames #WashingtonSquare #LiteratureInMovies #Movies #Cine #Cinema
Olivia de Havilland & Montgomery Clift en La Heredera (The Heiress, William Wyler, 1949)
#filmmasterpiece #classicfilms #cineclasico #adaptacionesdelibros #filmsadaptedfrombooks #henryjames #washingtonsquare #literatureinmovies #movies #cine #cinema