[Automatic repost https://twitter.com/dystobot/status/1650957913085603840]
RT @DkFrankel: When God decides it is my time to go make no mistake who is responsible #washoecounty #Nevada #workerscompensation #corruption #tbi #dystonia @MarkAmodeiNV2 @FoxNews @MayorSchieve @KOLO8 @nvgovjoelombardo @NevadaAG https://t.co/umOlc1SmfO
#washoecounty #Nevada #workerscompensation #Corruption #tbi #dystonia
[Automatic repost https://twitter.com/dystobot/status/1649942447038902272]
RT @DkFrankel: #WashoeCounty Manager Eric Brown states in attachment "This is the year we're choosing to invest in our employees"
Does this mean he will finally #stop the #victimization and #unlawful acts he has continued to allow his personel to commit upon me? #tbi #dystonia @NevadaAG https://t.co/069Ltd9nmH
#washoecounty #stop #victimization #unlawful #tbi #dystonia
I'm quoted in this article on spread of misinformation on Twitter re: allegations of election fraud regarding an outage of a livestream camera in Washoe County, Nevada. #Nevada #Elections #WashoeCounty
#nevada #Elections #washoecounty