The State of #WebAssembly (#Wasm) survey results got published: (PDF). The IMHO most interesting slide is slide 17, which names debugging and troubleshooting as one of the top challenges.
WIP. Updated a lot of the code. Added initial sound support (pc speaker) with test tune.
Now the intro can be run in DosBox in a browser!
It runs 2x fast as it should but still fascinating :)
#demoscene #dos #freedos #cpp #intro #dosbox #wasm
Simple C Program in WebAssembly – Other languages can offer advantages in performance, security, simplicity, or just cause of existing code.
Read it here, follow me and let me know what you think about it:
#WebAssembly #wasm #javascript #html #browser #Webdev #Webdeveloper #web #webapp #webapplication #webapplications #programming #coding #software #technology
#webassembly #wasm #javascript #html #browser #webdev #webdeveloper #web #webapp #webapplication #webapplications #programming #coding #software #technology
My latest: Server-side #Wasm's Q4 release will provide a cleaner way to connect apps, followed by further improvements in early 2024. Will it be enough to convince skeptics? #WasmCon @RobustCloud @luke_wagner @hectaman #WASI
@awoodsnet Rust compiled to WASM, or an easier language also compiled to #WASM.
RT from Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols (@sjvn)
From browser brat to backend boss: Will WASM win the web wars?……… via @theregister & @sjvn
Sometime soon, #WASM will live up to its hype and change how we use our servers and cloud.
Original tweet :
so, talk moved on to big new things coming in #Wasm 3.0 — and this stuff was super-exciting, and over and over has amazing parallels to #OCaml???
first: garbage collection? in a low-level VM???
reasoning: “GC is kinda the worst-case situation, for working on top of an abstraction-layer like WebAssembly”
(i said 'finally' i lied i am sick leave me alone okay ugh)
actually-finally, he touched on the module system, the missing pieces there, what all has been missing … and how after working hard to add and reconcile all the missing pieces to the existing modularization, they basically ended up with #OCaml-style functors … and then realized that … and then just decided to add #functors to #Wasm. 😱
(i had to duck out, so, again, no screenshots. cool as fuck, though.)
so, talk moved on to big new things coming in #Wasm 3.0 — and this stuff was super-exciting, and over and over has amazing parallels to #OCaml???
first: garbage collection? in a low-level VM???
reasoning: “GC is kinda the worst-case situation, for working on top of an abstraction-layer like WebAssembly”
Pyysin ChatGPT:ltä esimerkkiä javascript+wasm combosta. ChatGPT tarjosi WASM:iksi Rust-toteutusta. Aaatelin, että niijoo varmaan on lyhyempi toteutus Rustilla ja siksi tarjoaa. Paitsi ei ollut. On se ihan kauhee kieli toi C ;) Taas piti Rust-esimerkkiä tuijottaa silmät sikkurassa, että mitä helvattia tässä oikeen tapahtuu. En vaan ymmärrä vieläkään, miten moinen syntaksi on parempi ohjelmistojen laadun kannalta. Luulis että tollasella kryptografialla niitä bugeja just syntyykin. #rust #c #wasm
Looking for a little light travel reading on the way to #wasmcon?
Consider "Understanding WASM, part 3: You Are Here"! It's a deep dive on system interfaces: what they are, their history, and what WASI might mean for them.
Surprising how quickly I can bash out a new article when the mood strikes...
Here's something I wrote about building a C-style preprocessor for definitions in #wasm :
"Understanding WASM, part 3: You Are Here"
This is a deep dive into the history of virtualization technologies & techniques, in an attempt to frame where WebAssembly and WASI exist in that continuum.
Hey everyone, I just made something cool!
I wrote a fractal viewer in C++, compiled it to #Wasm using #Emscripten, and put it on my website (
I wrote an article on how I made it, and I would love for you to check it out and give me all the feedback you can!
Here's the article :
And here's the tool :
Hey everyone, I just made something cool!
I wrote a fractal viewer in C++, compiled it to #Wasm using #Emscripten, and put it on [my website](
I wrote [an article]( on how I made it.
I would love for you to check it out and give me all the feedback you can!
The issue with #Rust macros running code at compile-time, and being able to access the world is a valid one.
However, running it all in a #WASM sandbox only moves the target a little. A macro can still easily insert a bunch of malicious code in the compiled code that nobody would notice. Then, when you for example call deserialize(), it could go online and do nasty shit.
RT from Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols (@sjvn)
From browser brat to backend boss: Will WASM win the web wars? via @theregister & @sjvn
Sometime soon, #WASM will live up to its hype and change how we use our servers and cloud.
Original tweet :