I found this being worked on when I took a recent trip in an infrequently driven car. It hadn't been driven in two weeks.
There was a wasp on it when I got in, but it was outside the door seal, so I went on to my appointment keeping that window up.
While I was at the appointment, the wasp went out on a sortie. I didn't wait for it to get back, so it lost this home.
I am looking for 2-5 testers for my wasp nest crochet pattern. To apply, please click on the link: https://meet.ribblr.com/t/tester-call-for-crochet-wasp-nest/226520?u=mamasophs
Thank you!
❤️ Mama Sophs
#testercall #patterntestercall #crochetpattern #waspnest