Although not a dad, currently doing solitary dad-dancing to #Genesis 1975 live version of #WatcherOfTheSkies. Drury Lane. I was there. Saw #MontyPython. Same year and venue.
#montypython #watcheroftheskies #genesis
When partner shouts ‘is that you or the record (‘Foxtrot’) to the #WatcherOfTheSkies intro…💕
Really gone retro. Listening almost constantly to #PeterGabriel’s #Genesis’ last non-live album #TheLambLiesDownOnBroadway. ‘Non-live’ because it was not strictly speaking a studio recording either. In 1974 I was used to the group’s lengthy self-sufficient masterpieces: #SuppersReady #CinemaShow #WatcherOfTheSkies #FirthofForth, &c. So ‘The Lamb’ was difficult to assimilate holistically. Now I’m absolutely gripped by their 1974 double LP. #Rael #PhilCollins #TonyBanks excel.
#tonybanks #philcollins #Rael #firthofforth #watcheroftheskies #cinemashow #suppersready #TheLambLiesDownOnBroadway #genesis #petergabriel
It took about 5 years, but I finally made myself a t-shirt with this old drawing of #Genesis.
#prog #progrock #progressiverock #homemadetshirt #watcheroftheskies #suppersready #firthoffifth #dancingwiththemoonlitknight #returnofthegianthogweed #themusicalbox #fountainofsalmacis #bankscollinsgabrielhackettrutherford
#suppersready #genesis #prog #progrock #homemadetshirt #dancingwiththemoonlitknight #returnofthegianthogweed #themusicalbox #bankscollinsgabrielhackettrutherford #progressiverock #watcheroftheskies #firthoffifth #fountainofsalmacis