I heard joke once: Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Life seems harsh, and cruel. Says he feels all alone in threatening world. Doctor says: "Treatment is simple. The great clown - Pagliacci - is in town. Go see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. "But doctor..." he says "I am Pagliacci."
Good joke. Everybody laugh. Roll on snare drum.
Mercoledì spumeggiante. 😁
#Watchmen sul 20.
#StarTrek (2009) su Cielo.
#Ladyhawke sul 9.
#UnIncontroPerLaVita su Iris.
#watchmen #startrek #LadyHawke #unincontroperlavita #unofilm #unocinema #film #cinema
Ohm my! Ohm my! Ohm my! Check out this retro comic book post featuring Watchmen #3 (November 1986). Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons take us on a gripping journey as they unravel the world powers' situation. Plus, the introduction of the "Black Freighter" comic adds an extra layer of intrigue. Dive into this issue and prepare for some mind-blowing storytelling! Get your vintage fix here: . #retrocomics #Watchmen #vintagegoodness https://thestopbutton.com/2012/04/19/watchmen-3-november-1986/
#retrocomics #watchmen #vintagegoodness
Gizmodo: Zack Snyder's Got a Rebel Moon's Director's Cut Ready for Launch https://gizmodo.com/rebel-moon-zack-snyder-directors-cut-1850778188?utm_source=regular #batmanvsupermandawnofjustice #supermaninfilm #armyofthedead #justiceleague #directorscut #batmaninfilm #warconflict #suckerpunch #zacksnyder #brucewayne #rebelmoon #imaxfilms #watchmen #snyders #netflix #batman
#batmanvsupermandawnofjustice #supermaninfilm #armyofthedead #justiceleague #directorscut #batmaninfilm #warconflict #suckerpunch #zacksnyder #brucewayne #rebelmoon #imaxfilms #watchmen #snyders #netflix #batman
Menteroja & AK420 - Watchmen
#Menteroja #AK420 #Watchmen #corruptedbymarket #openupyoureyes #culture #fascism #demonic #classwar #action #satisfaction
#menteroja #ak420 #watchmen #corruptedbymarket #openupyoureyes #culture #fascism #demonic #classwar #action #satisfaction
Por cierto, a mí me encantó el "Dr. Manhattan" (por llamarlo de alguna manera) de la serie de Watchmen, y sigo sin entender por qué causa tanta aversión la escena de Hulka haciendo twerking. Copón bendito, que es lo más "accurate" que se puede hacer con el personaje.
#SheHulk #Watchmen #TheMandalorian #RingsofPower #racismo #strike
#SheHulk #watchmen #themandalorian #ringsofpower #racismo #strike
Quitando el hecho de que un artista debería cobrar dignamente, independientemente de cómo se considere el resultado, me llama la atención la "CASUALIDAD" de que todos los ejemplos tienen a mujer y/o gente no-caucásica.
¡Es que tremenda casualidad, oye!
#SheHulk #Watchmen #TheMandalorian #RingsofPower #racismo #strike
#SheHulk #watchmen #themandalorian #ringsofpower #racismo #strike
August 13 -- Prison Break or Escape in a Movie
Watchmen (2009)
Nite Owl and Silk Spectre help Rorschach escape from prison.
#mikesmafiamoviechallenge #filmmastodon #cinema #Film #hashtaggames #watchmen
#BenShapiro #Watchmen #DoctorManhattan I gotta find a way to make Ben bald
#benshapiro #watchmen #doctormanhattan
If you could only recommend #tv series to people that included a particular #actor in at least one episode during their run, who would you go with? I'll start -
Jim Beaver
What an absolute legendy card!
#TheBoys #Justified #Deadwood #BreakingBad #BetterCallSaul #Supernatural #Dexter #Watchmen #Psych #SixFeetUnder #Monk #TheWestWing #That70sShow
..and tons of other solid shows I won't beat you up with! 😁
#tv #actor #theboys #justified #deadwood #breakingbad #bettercallsaul #supernatural #dexter #watchmen #psych #sixfeetunder #monk #thewestwing #that70sshow
I don't see why #DC needs an animated version of #Watchmen when #ZackSnyder 's adaptation fills every need for that.
Gizmodo: DC Will Bring Crisis on Infinite Earths and Watchmen to Animated Life in 2024 https://gizmodo.com/dc-animated-watchmen-crisis-infinite-earths-sdcc-2023-1850668401 #crisisoninfiniteearths #entertainmentculture #coldwarfiction #creativeworks #marvwolfman #georgeperez #davegibbons #geoffjohns #zacksnyder #multiverse #warnerbros #dcuniverse #literature #alanmoore #garyfrank #watchmen #dccomics #fiction #hbo
#crisisoninfiniteearths #entertainmentculture #coldwarfiction #creativeworks #marvwolfman #georgeperez #davegibbons #geoffjohns #zacksnyder #multiverse #warnerbros #dcuniverse #literature #alanmoore #garyfrank #watchmen #dccomics #fiction #hbo
"Justice League Crisis on Infinite Earths" y "Watchmen" serán dos películas animadas de DC que llegarán en 2024.
#Watchmen #JusticeLeague
Zwischen #TheDarkKnightReturns & #CivilWar lagen allerdings auch Jahre, in denen ich mich gar nicht mehr für Superhelden-Comics interessiert hab. Stattdessen hab ich in der Zeit vor allem Veröffentlichungen bei Vertigo (heute: #DCBlackLabel) wie #TheSandman gelesen und natürlich Alan Moores Werke: #FromHell, #VForVendetta, sowie #Watchmen. Die frühen Marvel-Verfilmungen hab ich links liegen lassen und bin nur zum ersten Thor mitgeschleift worden. Den Schlummer hat erst #WonderWoman beendet.
#thedarkknightreturns #civilwar #dcblacklabel #TheSandman #fromhell #vforvendetta #watchmen #wonderwoman