Hey #PowerBI peeps, I'll be on #ToolTalk with Artur König and @mthierba on Tuesday, March 21st.
We'll talking about a little #ExternalTool I wrote for #PowerBIDesktop called #PbiToolsWatchPS, which launches a #PowerShell window running #pbitools in #WatchMode on the current #pbix file. The purpose of this little tool is to minimize the effort and number of steps necessary to #commit changes to Power BI #reports and #datasets into a proper #VersionControl system like #GitHub, #AzureDevOps, etc.
Please join us #LIVE on Tuesday, March 21st, give us your thoughts about the current state of #CICD and #DevOps / #DataOps for Power BI, and tell us about your favorite #ToolsOfTheTrade!
RSVP for the #ToolTalk session on #LinkedIn here:
Download #pbitools here:
Download #PbiToolsWatchPS here:
#powerbi #tooltalk #externaltool #powerbidesktop #pbitoolswatchps #powershell #pbitools #watchmode #pbix #commit #Reports #datasets #versioncontrol #github #AzureDevOps #live #cicd #devops #dataops #toolsofthetrade #linkedin