HomeKit apparaten en Woning bedienen via een Apple Watch 🏠💡⌚️
Last Call: Apple Watch in Unternehmen , iPads in Schulen – Webinar plus Workshop
Im September: Das Webinar erklärt, worauf Firmen beim Einsatz der Apple Watch achten müssen. Der Workshop vermittelt die iPad-Verwaltung im Schuleinsatz.
#apple #applewatch #ipad #smartwatch #watchos #news
Realtime audioniveau van een koptelefoon bekijken op Apple Watch 🎧⌚️👂
➡️ https://www.appletips.nl/apple-watch-audioniveau-koptelefoon/
🔥 watchOS 10 FAQ: Vernieuwde interface, ondersteunde Apple Watch modellen en meer ⌚️💜
【新着情報】Apple、すべてのユーザに推奨する重要なセキュリティ修正「watchOS 9.6.2」をリリース https://engrave.blog/watchos-9-6-2
#Apple #AppleWatch #watchOS962 #watchOS #watchOS9
#apple #applewatch #watchos962 #watchos #watchos9
Tomorrow begins the development of new WacOS subsystems accounting for the newest wave of Apple operating systems. wOS whyPadOS whyWatchOS WacOS and WacTVOS will be updated to match iOS 17, iPadOS 17, watchOS 10, MacOS 14, and tvOS 17.
5 new systems will start development in the next 2 days:
2023, Saturday September 9th
- wOS 17
- whyPadOS 17
- WacOS 14
2023, Sunday, September 10th
- WacTVOS 17
- WhyWatchOS 10
#WacOS #Apple #AppleAlternative #MacOS #iOS #wOS #iPadOS #whyPadOS #tvOS #WacTVOS #watchOS #whyWatchOS #Alternative
Reference: https://github.com/seanpm2001/WacOS/issues/22#issuecomment-1704472012
#wacos #Apple #applealternative #macos #iOS #wos #ipados #whypados #tvos #wactvos #watchos #whywatchos #alternative
It’s rare for me to tell folks that a #software #update is REQUIRED RIGHT NOW.
This is one of those times and your #privacy and #security depend on it.
Please, please... if you use #Apple devices, update them today. RIGHT NOW, if possible.
If you're not familiar with what's known as a #zeroday exploit, I'll explain more here as well as HOW to update your #ios #macos #ipados and #watchOS devices if you don't know how
#software #update #privacy #security #apple #zeroday #ios #macos #ipados #watchos
:apple_inc: ⚠️ Updates installieren!
„Apple released emergency security updates to fix two new zero-day vulnerabilities exploited in attacks…“
#itsicherheit #apple #iphone #ipad #mac #macos #ios #ipados #watchos
#itsicherheit #Apple #iPhone #ipad #mac #macos #ios #iPadOS #watchos
iPhone/iPad、Apple Watchのウォレット機能を狙う攻撃を確認、Appleがセキュリティ更新/「iOS」「iPadOS」「macOS」に影響する「ImageIO」のゼロデイ脆弱性にも対処
#forest_watch_impress #iOS #macOS #watchOS #iPadOS #macOS_Ventura #セキュリティ #脆弱性 #システム_ファイル #システム
#forest_watch_impress #ios #macos #watchos #ipados #macos_ventura #セキュリティ #脆弱性 #システム_ファイル #システム
Apple patches “clickless” 0-day image processing vulnerability in iOS, macOS - Enlarge (credit: Apple)
Apple has released security updates fo... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1966414 #macosventura #security #ipados16 #nsogroup #macos13 #pegasus #watchos #ipados #apple #ios16 #macos #tech #ios
#ios #tech #macos #ios16 #apple #ipados #watchos #pegasus #macos13 #nsogroup #ipados16 #security #macosventura
One of these days Xcode Cloud will be able to run #watchOS tests without issue. Until then it’ll be compiler crashes and a sea of red.
Automatisch een focus inschakelen tijdens Work-out zodat je ongestoord kunt sporten 🏃🏋️⌚️
I have filed a suggestion for #watchos with Apple - I just find the digital crown to be way too sensitive, and now with 10, they moved from scrolling to pagination. I either overshoot or undershoot almost every time, even after using this since beta 1. I like to set my cursor a bit slower than most people on my systems as well, always have. I have no motor disability and yet I think the UX could use sensitivity setting.
watchOS 10 legt focus op fietsen, beter work-out resultaten dankzij Trainen op vermogen (FTP) en bluetooth-accessoires.
Yikes, skirting pretty close to the GM releases, but if any #watchOS folks are around, please please look into http://openradar.appspot.com/FB13084544
> Smart Stack: Top most complication does not participate in Voice Over
#WatchOS 10 hat einen Bug von WatchOS 9 noch verschlimmert im Zusammenspiel mit O365.
Bei Notifikations zu einem Kalender-Event aus O365 hat WatchOS 9 lediglich eine Aktualisierung geschickt, wenn man die Notification mit dem "Schliessen“-Button geschlossen hat. Das hat die Leute schon genug genervt, da sie immer E-Mails von mir bekommen haben, aber…
WatchOS 10 schickt aktuell bei mir direkt eine Absage raus. Schön für mich und mein Zeitmanagement, aber kommt nicht überall so richtig gut an.
Ok, let's see if #buildinpublic will help me revive Skipper, my boating logbook app!
- Migrate to #SwiftUI
- Ditch old 3rd-party libraries
- Support CloudKit sync (database migration 😱)
- Play with Widgets/Live Activity, AppIntents/Shortcuts, #watchOS, etc.
But not all at once this time 🤣
App Store link: https://apps.apple.com/app/id671764434
#BuildInPublic #swiftui #watchos