Why is it that every so often I just have a desire to move to San Jose? It's weird and considering how transphobic America is I can't rationalise it. Anyone over there doing awesome things with iOS and health looking for another iOS developer? #iOSDev #watchOSDev
Girl who should be working on her Cocoaheads talk for this evening rather than chatting with people. #iOSDev #watchOSDev
Okay, I could easily just spend the next few days working on the code and material for the workout mirroring talk at Sydney Cocoaheads on Thursday and still barely scratched the surface of what can be done. #iOSDev #watchOSDev
For those who are using workout mirroring on #watchOS 10 and HealthKit, it turns out that HKHealthStore workoutSessionMirroringStartHandler isn't being called on the remote device when the session is started from the apple watch. FB12754636 #watchOSDev #iOSDev #healthKit
#watchos #watchosdev #iosdev #healthkit
Excitement Driven Development or more concisely put “how to get Amy to spend way too much time on the details of a problem”. #iOSDev #watchOSDev
Yeah, I'm just going to YOLO this branch in. The feature is far from done but it's super unproductive to have the branch just grow and grow and grow. #iOSDev #macOSDev #watchOSDev
Yeah, nah, this isn't a responsibility for that service. It should be its own service. #iOSDev #macOSDev #watchOSDev
It's perfectly okay to steal good architecture and design principles when working on side projects. Not everything needs to re-invent the wheel. #iOSDev #macOSDev #watchOSDev
Today includes a lot of cleaning up SPM dependencies and structure. Spinning off some more packages so that different targets only need to depend on what's required. #iOSDev #watchOSDev #macOSDev
So macOS 13 / xcode 15 beta 4 combination didn't magically solve my deploy app to watch problems. Ohh well. Better to have confirmed failure than unconfirmed. #watchOSDev
This morning in Amy watches #wwdc videos is “Beyond the basics of structured concurrency” https://developer.apple.com/wwdc23/10170 #iOSDev #macOSDev #watchOSDev
#WWDC #iosdev #macosdev #watchosdev
For any Apple developers out there, it would be great to have a watchlist / recently watched feature in the developer app to track what videos have already been viewed. FB12564067 #wwdc #iOSDev #macOSDev #watchOSDev
#WWDC #iosdev #macosdev #watchosdev
Anyone know what com.apple.dt.CoreDeviceError error 3002 relates to? I can't run a watchOS 10 from Xcode on my watch as it fails to install. #watchOSDev #watchOS
Now playing in #wwdc videos is “Update your app for watchOS 10”. https://developer.apple.com/wwdc23/10031 #watchOSDev
Anyone know if WorkoutKit allows you to associate a music playlist for the workout? #iOSDev #watchOSDev #wwdc
Made a silly new app. (But also, not actually an app)
Registered a domain.
This must be serious!
Alright! Forward progress today. Now I can dig into the tvOS version and CI will watch my back and make sure that the watchOS version stays healthy. #SwiftUI #iOSDev #watchOSDev #tvOSDev
#swiftui #iosdev #watchosdev #tvosdev
Does Core Data with CloudKit actually work for syncing between iOS and watchOS? I haven’t found any evidence that it does. #iosdev #watchosdev #coredata #cloudkit
#iosdev #watchosdev #coredata #cloudkit
For #iOSDev (and #macOSDev, #watchOSDev, #tvOSDev, #iPadOSDev as well) I still really enjoy using Dash.app.
And for #SwiftUI I’ve really enjoyed SwiftUI Companion. I was just looking for alternatives to the .onAppear() modifier, so I popped into that app to see what I could find. I typed “onAppear” in the search field and landed on a great article with concise examples of Handling Events.
#macosdev #watchosdev #tvosdev #ipadosdev #swiftui #iosdev
For #iOSDev (and #macOSDev, #watchOSDev, #tvOSDev, #iPadOSDev as well) I still really enjoy using Dash.app.
And for #SwiftUI I’ve really enjoyed SwiftUI Companion. I was just looking for alternatives to the .onAppear() modifier, so I popped into that app to see what I could find. I typed “onAppear” in the search field and landed on a great article with concise examples of Handling Events.
#iosdev #macosdev #watchosdev #tvosdev #ipadosdev #swiftui