Water should be FREE. If we’re made up of 70% water & the earth’s made up of 70% water, then charging for water should be illegal. I believe in #WaterAmnesty
And while we’re in this #JustTransition at the very minimum we MUST have #WaterAffordability
Everyone needs access to clean affordable water to drink, clean, cook, etc. The military uses cutting off water as a tactic on its enemies as an act of war. So the city cutting off water on its own citizens should be seen as such #WaterisaHumanRight
#wateramnesty #justtransition #wateraffordability #WaterisaHumanRight
What does #JustTransition mean to you? What does it look like for you in your work? In your life? What models or projects are you seeing that are useful? Inspiring?
#EnvironmentalJustice #ClimateJustice #JustEconomies #JustEconomy #SolidarityEconomy #EnergySovereignty #EnergyDemocracy #WaterAmnesty #MutualAid #FoodSovereignty
#justtransition #environmentaljustice #climatejustice #justeconomies #JustEconomy #solidarityeconomy #energysovereignty #energydemocracy #wateramnesty #mutualaid #foodsovereignty